Sunday, February 12, 2012

Joe the Charmander! It's a boy! Mazel tov!

Boy I haven't been doing a great job of blogging as of late. That's lame of me.

So a friend of mine, who is one of the nicest people around, has NEVER played pokemon.


And seeing as I was given a 3DS for Christmas, it's relatively easy to part with my old DS for the purposes of sharing the wealth, and getting this guy on the bandwagon.

(That said, I don't want anything to happen to my old DS- even as a relic... or as relic-y as something uh, 6 or 7 years old I guess, can get, it was still a present to me, and is therefore special to me. But this guy has already shown himself to be very careful of the thing, so no worries on thast front.)

I had been pretty tired during our dungeons and dragons game, despite the presence of a dragon- but I was surely jolted back to awakening after that was all done and we had Matt start up his pokemon game.

We gave him Fire Red, the remake of the original pokemon game, and aside from telling him about the importance of saving, and instructing him to name every pokemon, we let him discover everything on his own.

He found the free potion in his PC!

He decided not to grab the first pokeball, and thereby ended up with a Charmander as his very first pokemon! Joe the Charmander!

By the time he wanted to quit and go home (exciting day...) we'd spent almost 50 minutes watching him do stuff. He still hadn't caught any new pokemon by the time he finished, and Joe was getting pretty strong... but again, we couldn't tell him! He's gotta learn to catch 'em all!

Pretty, pretty fun.

Brock is going to eat him alive.

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