Friday, January 31, 2014

January is packed

Besides a draft that I started a few weeks ago and never published, this will be my only post for the month again. And right this second I don't have much time to do it- I need to go get comics, go to the library, pick up some groceries for the coming week, do some story discussion stuff over at a buddy's place, go to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (which will be great) and then go to a comedy show to round everything out. Augh, too much. I'm trying to cram four days of stuff into two days without going nuts.

I'm probably failing at that.

I've been working hard, doing the security five days a week. The writers room commitment is over, but I still need to actually write the sitcom the whole thing was for. Man, I need to do that. I've got a month, and I'm not sure my characters will work how I want them to.

Alright, I need to get moving.