Thursday, April 5, 2012

Social Function Part 3

Cool Geoff and I arrive at the Comedy Bar just in time for the show "Problem Solved!". For those not in the know, it's a panel show, with a host and 6 comedians (three to a team, where they get points, but of course the points don't matter- as Drew Carey would surely tell you... I'm referencing "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" in case you didn't know) solving problems that have been submitted to the event.

Quick interjection: what a convoluted mess of a paragraph that was, eh?

The show goes swimmingly, I know there was one gag in particular that had my buddy Jimmy (he was one of the panelists) howling on stage... I want to say it had something to do with a duck? I probably shouldn't have taken so long to write this... anyways, the night goes on, and we eventually get to the last section where the group take problems from the audience.

Now I have no compunction with looking a little silly in front of an audience for the sake of a show, so I'm certainly ready with a problem- that is, if no one else is going to contribute. I'm more than happy to just chill out and enjoy the show, but I've got the performers backs in a pinch is what I'm saying.

One girl goes up with a problem about her curtains, and gets made fun of due to her british style accent. I thought it was kind of mean, but apparently she and the host are friends and it was all good (I found that out after the show). I didn't have to tell you about that part, but I didn't want anyone to accuse me of forgeting that part. Well, I didn't.

Thenabouts is when I give my problem: I went for a run today, and my knee hurts, but I don't want to see my doctor about it because his advice is always "just stop doing the thing that hurts."

That's when Jimmy pipes up. Remember from part one of this series when I said his knowing the price of my shoes would become relevant later? Well, here it is.

He says "Hold on, I have some proprietary information: were you wearing those shoes?"


"Ladies and gentleman, I happen to know that he got those shoes for $12 at Wal-Mart..."

Of course by this point I'm attempting to comically talk over him, saying "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU" but it's no good. The panelists have turned against me, convinced it's my shoes that are the source of my problems.

(It doesn't help that the host worked at "The Running Room", so he's on board with priced up shoes too- but come on, these aren't objective opinions, the Running Room has a vested interest in me getting more expensive shoes, I can't trust that kind of input! Where are the independant shoe studies?!?)

As far as my knee goes since then, thanks for asking, I haven't had any real problems, but I also haven't run for a straight half hour either. I went to the gym yesterday, running to and from the place, totalling about 15 minutes of running. I thought I may have felt the first stirrings of my problem flaring up, but that could also just be me being a hypochondriac feeling phantom pains. I can't be sure. I've made a point of no longer crossing my legs at work, theorizing that that puts an extra strain on the old leg hinges. Sometimes I forget and slip into cross-legged territory, but then I immediately set things right.. unless I'm talking to a resident, in which case it would look insane to cross my legs in front of them before immediately uncrossing them.

I've got a bunch of movies I'd like to talk about, but that'll have to wait for later.

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