Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My wrist rather hurts from typing.

I've already finished my blog post for Finding Forrester, but I'll continue on a bit now so I've got two things to go up today.

I haven't yet read the article, but the front page of the Star tells me that despite all the expectations from pundits the Alberta PC's have won a majority, the reins of power having NOT been passed on to the alarming Wildrose party. I'm actually quite relieved, I thought for sure the politics of sensationalism would triumph and another nail would be hammered into "my Canada" (the thing Justin Trudeau is so nuts over- and I don't blame him!).

Patriotism is a weird thing. A weird, terrible thing.

I haven't written a proper comic review in a month now, breaking my 5 or 6 year streak. It's shaken my identity to have lost that thing. But only to a point, thankfully I'm still holding on to that "love yourself" message from last week.

For the sake of my sanity I may do a series of one issue per week reviews to catch up- but that still doesn't solve the problem of the web site being all wonky. Not that I've had the heart/interest to see what's what, whether or not it's gotten any better.

It wouldn't be too surprising to think I've burned myself out on reviews, I tended to do far too many to get out in a proper time frame, and my schedule doesn't care much for extra curriculars as it is.

I had a strong desire to send a message to a high school friend and see if he'd be available to teach me some drumming. That desire hasn't particularly gone away, but I know it'd be nearly impossible to cram that in.

I need to travel up to York to start to settle debts, but nothing is quite open when I'm finished work, and things are quite closed when I wake up again. At least that's true for banks.

I know, I know, "waaah waaah, somebody call the waaambulance."

At least I've saved enough to feel confident in approaching the guys. Anyways, I've got some report writing to do, and I have to make the trip home, and I've already alluded to my wrist hurting. So see you tomorrow hopefully.

Wow I did all that without saving once. Someone sure likes to live dangerously, eh?

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