Saturday, August 21, 2010

What has it been, a week?

Been longer than I planned to get back on here- very busy at work you see.

I've taken a break from my Walden reading (man is that thing late going back to the library) because I wanted to hold onto this feeling from reading the essay on 'Reading' to write about here. That was at least two days ago already, so I've probably mostly lost it anyway.

Not as though it would have made much difference, I would even then have only managed the barest snippets of experience, loosely tied together only by the space of time in which they occurred to me.

It talked about how the paper is written for the un/low educated, that most people can't really read, that in all our hurry to set up communication between coasts and across seas once it's all accomplished we will find we have nothing to say to each other.

When was this written- 120, no, just over 150 years ago (published in 1854) and he may as well be talking directly to the people of the 21st century. I'd be impressed with the prescience of Thoreau except of course for the overwhelming alternative that ours is merely a world that is the continuation of Thoreaus- a world that didn't care to listen to what he had to say. Well, what he and others had to say, I don't want to sound like this guy is the only one, but it's pretty close.

This was sort of addressed in a recent Superman book, a young woman was going to kill herself because of how automatic life was, just blindly moving from phase 1 through to whatever (my phrasing of course). It's the kind of hidden stressors many are facing (that quarter life crisis that's been creeping up on the public consciousness) from not living with any kind of deliberate consideration.

To steal from the 90's Spider-Man show, it's not the how we must master, but the why.

Oh, Superman talked her down, after staying with her for several hours, saying "if you can even imagine yourself having one happy moment after this, don't do it", or something to that effect. Which is okay, it doesn't really help her avoid whatever specific mind set sent her almost literally over the edge.

But then again, I'm not that big a fan of the current writer these days.

Scott Pilgrim stuff tomorrow, promise

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