Friday, August 6, 2010

Eastern Standard

I forgot this at the time (by which I mean yesterday, writing here yesterday) but here's something I wanted to bring up earlier.

Go back to last Tuesday, I had left the house late for work, so I drove (yeah awesome) instead. Checking the traffic I knew the Don Valley Parkway was... well, there are words for what it was. Two separate accidents on the road had forced its occupants to join up with the nearest snail race. And the snails were winning.

So instead I went south Victoria Park and travelled across Kingston Rd- okay, here's what I wanted to mention:
when I got to Kingston and Woodbine it was like I could see myself from the week BEFORE last when I walked down Woodbine for the first time ever.

Sometimes (okay, actually pretty often) I just look at things and see how they were before, how they will look in a month, a year, fifty years. I wonder about the people that will be gone, and the people that will grow into being.

You know there are a finite number of people born in 1985? They aren't making any more of that!


  1. "You know there are a finite number of people born in 1985? They aren't making any more of that!"

    I love these two sentences quite a bit.

  2. Thanks Cool Geoff, that's sort of a stock thought of mine
