Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Put out MORE Flags!

Wanted to hop on here yesterday, gave myself some time before work to do so, but someone else was on the thing, and even though I felt vastly entitled, I kept my mouth shut, waited a few minutes (i.e. wasted a few minutes) then left for work.

Finished reading that "Put Out More Flags" book. The parts with Basil Seal were fun, which makes sense with him being the main character, but the book was too fractured for my tastes, with a lot of characters getting screen time that ended up requiring too much effort than I wanted to put in to keep straight. That may actually not be the books fault, since all these characters were apparently in previous Basil Seal stories, it could be that I was supposed to get to know all of them from a previous adventure, and just jumped in at the worst possible moment.

80 pages into Gulliver's Travels and having a great time, though the very begining, the first five pages I'd guess, was slow going, just setting up Gulliver's history and whatnot. So much of the book is detailed measurements of things and how they compare to the distorted landscape of the lilliputians and brobdignagians (I only just started that latter section).

Spent the weekend off being hugely tired, at one point suffering from a great headache (likely from tiredness), but also hanging out with three and a half separate groups of friends (the half is indicative of the time I spent crashed on the couch belonging to one person, as opposed to a group of people).

I'll talk more about the weekend later, I suppose tomorrow (tomorrow being in five hours, and I only just got up and ate a bowl of cereal, a pasta supper almost completed in the meanwhile).

Right now I have to get cleaned up a bit and buy comics before the store closes!

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