Friday, January 25, 2013

Too much slush. To the point, encapsulates the post quite well.

I've BEEN to 181 Bay Street before. Several times in fact. So why is it always so hard to find? It's just south of Bay at Wellington! I walked right past it, it's number (at least it HAS a visible number) is tucked away in a corner. It's so easy to miss. Trust me on this.

And every step was a death trap today. I've almost become nervous about my ability to walk around outside. I haven't fallen yet, but it's just a matter of time until I do. Frustrated, I angrily stamped down my boot, willing it to have the ability to stay firmly upright againt the slush. The stamping did nothing.

The precarious walking conditions necessitated a slower to and fro between destinations- I was practically waddling from place to place >:(
such that my second last stop I barely arrived as the office staff were getting their things on to leave, and my last stop gave me a condescending note about how their mailroom closes at 4:30.

Look! I'd have been here sooner, but the ground is trying to kill me, also, the guard at 200 Bloor St E is absolutely the worst at giving directions to the mail room. How hard would it have been to say it's one building over? That would have been too clear.

I didn't sleep well last night, so I started off the day exhausted, and this slipping around has really frayed my nerves. My normally good humour aaaa isn't a so good right now.

This better be the best, most relaxing weekend ever! What's that? I agreed to take Jordan's Michael Kors shift?

*Car horns blare geese honk thunder rings out*

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