Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gone to draft

I've waited too long to try and capture whatever moments from the end of December I wanted to immortalize and share. I'll get to a Medieval Times post at some point though.

The problem has chiefly been running out of energy by the time I get home from work. Last week was okay for that, I had done a better job getting my lunch made to go out with me, and hopefully not more importantly, I slept in a bunch and started the day later than I should have.

I just got my phone bill reflecting the cost of working as a courier. I've been telling people that I've been hemorrhaging money working this gig, and never has that been more true than right now. Yeesh, I had a worse case scenario in my mind, and the reality managed to double it. Not fun.

I've got a few options going forward, changing my phone plan is something high up on my to do list, but ultimately I will have to give up the courier thing really soon. That's a bummer, being out in the city has been really cool- you know the service elevator at 22 St. Claire Avenue East looks like a holodeck? That was a great surprise. The elevator wall panels end about a foot from the top of the car, with mirrors lining that top remainder of wall, with a grid of glowing red lines running across the ceiling, necessarily running off into infinity thanks to the surrounding mirrors. Holodeck.

My last two times at the gym I went a bit too hard, now my back is sore. Certain heavy items carried through the week probably didn't help much either.

I'll be back soon, I've read a book or two that needs talking about. And maybe I can jam through the last half of the current Kamen Rider series I'm watching before the month is through (highly unlikely, this season hasn't grabbed me like the others)

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