Sunday, January 29, 2012

David Lynch and complaining

Hmm, headache. It's 2:13am, and I guess I'm getting tired. I still have my reviews to do- looks like they'll have to wait until tomorrow evening at work? I'll probably wake up well before I need to, so maybe some will get done there.

Speaking of reviews, I called up my one fellow reviewer to wish him a happy birthday, but I seemed to sort of make him uncomfortable because he hasn't done written reviews in a while, and then when I heard noises in the background I said he should get back to the festivities, I feel like he was concerned that I'd feel left out, having not been invited to the party.

So, what was supposed to be a simple birthday call ended up slightly lowering his overall enjoyment. That wasn't my plan at all!

Hopefully I'm just looking into things way too much and he wasn't actually concerned at all. I don't know, I've been told that I'm an astute fellow.

Was supposed to meet someone for coffee (or something I'd actually like to consume), but got ditched apparently for a sad, just broken up with friend. I'd have more sympathy if there didn't ALWAYS seem to be a reason for this girl ditching out on me.

Oh, I'd thought of something that would have been horrible to actually say, but was really funny for someone not at all emotionally invested in the activity: it was (and let me remind you, this is horrible) "maybe she got dumped for being overly emotional."

Trust me, it'd have killed in a David Lynch cartoon. I seriously have to check out that Twin Peaks business, just to see how that is. It may just be that the most David Lynch stuff I'm aware of is his "Angriest Dog in the World".

And also "Eraserhead", not because I've seen that, oh no, but because I wrote a skit back in high school that was given the title "Eraserhead". It was only in the last year or two that I checked out the reference... uh, again, without having seen the movie. I mean I wikipedia'd David Lynch.

Okay, head hurts, so blogging done for now. I think I'm down to two more posts for quota, going to have to really shove them in there.

Oh, but before I go, and not that she'll read this, but a big thank you to Sam for letting me vent to her this evening. I wish I knew more Sam's.

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