Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The good really does outweigh the bad

Well, that’s two really rough days at work over with. They had me sweating bullets, with the little juggling act I did with a CPU and pretending I wasn’t doing anything with the CPU. That took acting skills. I may have just earned a daytime emmy.

But there were some really nice things too. A gorgeous girl gave me chocolate and told me about an experiment involving neutrinos going faster than light. I’m pleased in that has-to-be-the-smartest-person-in-the-room jerk way that I already knew about that experiment, but it was still super great.

And a really nice resident gave me two chocolate bars just because. I haven’t eaten them yet, but still, really nice.

Man, that’s actually a lot of chocolate.

And today I found a perfect condition copy of Michael Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay that someone just left out to be recycled. I was like “… yeah, I’m taking this.”

It was at least at one point my buddy’s favourite book, and he even loaned me his copy so I could read it (I know, generous). That was actually back in that year of school when we lived together. That was a crazy time. A good time, now that I think back on it. Though I guess everything is relative.

AND someone was getting rid of some random weights! Now THAT’S crazy. Weights ain’t cheap, son! So now I’m the proud owner of a single 30lbs dumbbell, two 5lbs weights, a 7lbs weight, a 10lbs pound weight, and a bar for those weights to go on. Not sure how useful the SINGLE 7 and 10lbs weights will be, but we’ll see what happens.

Maybe they’re cursed weights.

Okay, so now I sound like a scavenger going through trash for this stuff- a thought that, trust me, I find pretty gross, germaphobe that I am, but the book was on top of a box, not on the gross ground at all, and it called to me.

The weights… well, weights are expensive! Also, it’s not like I trust the cleanliness of the weights at the gym anyways.

Enough of me being defensive.

I said I was going to talk about more of those library books I picked up, uh, but actually I’ve just got hit by the sleepys. I did only just now get back from my security shift- I think it’s legitimate for me to be tired!

It’s raining right now, which is good. It’s cooling. I feel like I’ve been stuck in sweat mode the last couple of nights trying to sleep. It’s gross.

And I see we’ve got daylight poking in the windows through the trees. I wonder what I’ll be up to today? Sleep first, find out later.

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