Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not mentioned in the below post: I treated myself to a bag of Lays Salt and Vinegar chips. Brand name chips! It has been a while.

Would you believe this is post the hundredth?

That's a whole lotta nothing.

I'm in the mood for attention, but seeing as I rarely address such desires by, say, calling someone up or something, I'll just chill out here.

I visited a couple friends yesterday- one asked me to start writing on a comic specific blog with him, so that'll be pretty fun whenever that starts up. All articles about the third volume of Superboy. Just straight up synopsis. Should be a lot of fun.

Then I zipped over to my one friends boat. Yes, he has a boat. Why yes, the ladies do love him. For non boat related reasons I'm sure. Anyways, there's a hatch in the bow, and I got to climb through it- twice!

We went to a show that the only reason I went was for the sake of hanging out. It was okay, a little expensive. The entire show was made up of my high school alumnus, and that was a long time ago. I actually got a 'hey guy' head nod from someone who I wouldn't have expected to remember me at all. OR, more likely, when I was taking off my coat he thought I gave him the head nod. I still felt it was relatively cool of him. Anyway, the place was packed, no seats available, and while the actual performance was great, the in-between jokes were... those were jokes? I guess they were funny, because people laughed.

Actually, it sounded like the kind of laughter you'd get from an over-eager heckler, but from EVERYONE. Maybe they forgot what genuine laughter sounds like? It was weird.

OH right, this is really funny. On my way to visit my pal with the boat, I crossed paths with another friend, she worked security at Ontario Place- and so she's telling me about the relative lameness of the guys working winter this season compared to myself (which was really nice) and she says "who'll talk about comics, and movies- who'll lift the stanchions?"

And that last part REALLY surprised me- see I'd always do arm curls with the stantions, usually at the end of the day, cause, you know- exercise! But I always did my best to do that when no one was around since I don't want to be one of those guys that shoves their fitness in peoples faces-- but apparently I was on camera the whole time, so the dudes in security would always know about it. And I had no idea!

Well, that's really funny to me.

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