Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why I like Thor, in pictures

I'm going to take a different tactic this evening. I spent the morning (before having to go BACK to bed, I'm a tired guy) scanning panels (okay, often whole pages) from collected volumes of the Walt Simonson run on Thor. You don't really need much context, so I'll just paste all the pictures here, maybe I'll have a line of commentary, but for the most part they'll stand alone in their awesomeness. That's assuming clicking on the images will enlarge them so you can read the text, otherwise I'll have to edit the post and tell you what each panel is saying.

Thor was transformed into a frog. But he's still Thor!

I find Thor basically being surprised by a chair completely hilarious.

Balder the Brave demonstrates both that telltale braggadocio of the Asgardians, but an air of modern humour. It's an endearing anachronism found throughout the Thor books.

Everyone loves dudes hammering armor together. That's what Iron Man taught us. This time it's Thor doing it, and it's magic. Excellent.

And after creating this armor, it sounds like making it in Pittsburgh is the most impressive part of it all. Forget the Odin runes and mystic power- Pittsburgh. Wow! Again, this is weird, and great.

My current facebook profile picture. Thor has taken over an invincible body, and rampages around Hel. It's amazing.

In fact, here're some examples of Thor's rampage.

Here's an example of casual punning, something no one would do in the middle of an ACTUAL adventure, but is perfectly normal for an Asgardian. Extra points for using your name, instead of one of your titles: "Hela becomes Heal"

Just before that last panel, we got to see Hela's father, Loki, earn his father of the year mug.

And while I'm at it, let's put down in panels the relationship between Thor and Loki:

And finally, a perfect single page encapsulating everything that's great about Thor. I could pretty much have just posted this and called it a night.



  1. Hmm, it doesn't look like clicking will enlarge the image so you can read it. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm going to bed.

  2. wait whoah, actually clicking on any panel WILL enlarge it, just not the first two frog centric ones. Weird, but I'll take it!
