Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cake is around. That's as far as it goes.

I tried to log on to the blog spot on my ACTUAL days off, but it wouldn't let me, and now I'm knee deep in a three day work-athon.

(Knee deep is apparently one day in. I guess tomorrow will be chest deep. I should pick up some water wings.)

I corralled my brother Jordan to do a picture for my reviews this week. I had an idea for a little strip I thought would be funny, but was obviously busy writing the reviews proper. But Jordan's an artist!

And the result is so funny. SO FUNNY! I can't really get over it.

^- that's the link. Yes, I could just post the drawing itself, but come on! Look at my reviews!

If only for this picture.

Mwahaha- have I inadvertantly tricked my brother into starting a webcomic?
No, probably not. But that's be awesome.

It's been a week since my birthday, and cake only just got around to being eaten. But I was at work. And now it's almost 7:30am, and I need to NOT eat sugar before bed, and go to bed, like a responsible adult. I can have birthday cake for breakfast once I get up at 3.

Sure hope it doesn't all get eaten by then, that would really suck.

Really hot and sweaty when I got in this morning. Gradually coldened showers are pretty great. (Can't just hop straight into a cold shower right away- that's cold!)

NO- Isaac! Don't you eat that cake!

Hurrah for sensible moderation and stuff...

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