Friday, May 14, 2010

what's the scoop?

I've got a haircut that I actually kind of like, some awesome stubble, I've refurbished my juice and yogurt supplies, I've got a couple bucks in my figurative pocket, and got at least 8 hours sleep.

I should really be in a better mood, you know, logically.

But a song played here, an impulse for contact that I ignore there, and a social networking system that is entirely other.

Not wanting to indulge my elitist name dropping tendencies, I'm reading this book by someone who I don't know who it is- his name is Evelyn Waugh, and the book is called "Scoop". It's a comedy of errors set in the english newspaper world something like 80 years ago (contemporary to when it was written). It can often be a little too fast and loose with the descriptive details- there's a whole lot of them, but not particularly descriptive. The end result is a struggle to keep it all in mind, and then he'll give a quick subversive line and it's clear the whole thing was the set up for some gag.

It really is quite funny- but there are some moments where I sit back and think "okay, that was funny, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be". There's some values dissonance because of when it was written.

Well, anyways, I'm going to have some juice.


  1. Yih yih Evelyn Waugh! I love "The Loved One" and I just bought one the highly attractive new penguin editions of "Black Mischief." One of my favourite modernists.

  2. p.s. I enjoyed your Salinger notes. I'd like to hear more of what you thought about Nine Stories, though.

  3. Your first comment/reaction is very endearing. I would have also said cute, but I can see you as being against some of the associations that go with "cute".
    It was though.

    It seems I can't help but name drop famous authors, even when I don't know that I'm doing it.

    Whenever we see each other next we'll certainly have to talk more about Nine Stories, maybe you can help solidify the significance of the sandwich.
