Friday, July 27, 2012

It never rains..

In case it hasn't been painfully clear yet, I've been having some trouble getting down to doing some posting on the site here. It's chiefly been a "I'm too exhausted to get to it" type of trouble- I know the Wednesday before work I woke up at something like 8am when I was hoping for noon, so I was already going to be plenty out of it for the day.

And then all the trouble happened with an unconscious woman, calling 911, and spending the remainder of the evening struggling to stay awake with a box of chocolates, all the while ALSO struggling through the remaining ten-eleven hours of me being enveloped in that curious mix of smell that is urine crossed with feces (neither of which were mine, in case there was any confusion).

It was a fun night.

(wait for it, wait for it..)


(I love that "Not!" business- totally radical 90's)

I had planned to write to my friend(s) out in Saskatoon (pen and paper and everything ready) but decided I had a very limited ability for the night to... touch... things... without going out of my mind.

Self described germaphobe over here, remember? I made a lot of trips to the washroom to wash my hands that night.

(There's already been a bunch of trouble with this post as far as poor sentences from a 'breadth of word pool' perspective. "Washroom to wash" and there was a mix and mix thing above before I changed it, also I used struggling twice near the top, but by adding the emphasis of the all caps "ALSO" made it look like a conscious descision, instead of the after the fact ammendment that it was. Tip for writers who want to convince me that they're any good: don't evoke a thoughtlessness when you use and re-use words. It looks both careless and like you have a limited... vocabulary. Would you believe I just forgot the word "vocabulary"? I had to sit here with my fingers hovering over the keys in spidery anticipation of my brain remembering the word.)

I also got a series of texts while this business at work was going down about my grandmother being back in the hospital.

The rain was pouring hard outside, because that's what it always does.

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