Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Night and Day

Hrr one of those mornings I guess. Agreed to do a bunch of extra work writing down essentially mini training manuals at work. Which isn't something I want to do.

One of those mornings where you kinda want a smile, a hug, and a "you're the best".

One of those few people I met during my university time was on the chat this morning, I hesitated before saying good morning. Got hit back with a

'hey hey
sorry cant talk just running to class
last week of MAster's program
at queen's
nice of u to drop me a line
write me a brief what is going on with you
very curious what's been going on with your life.'

I guess I forgot how weird it is to talk to this girl of the beautiful people, with her trips to Cuba and Italy, with her perfectly toned friends (guys and girls), and her eyes ever glued to the prize.

Man, I'm just trying to survive each day. My long term plans are on the back burner for the moment.

It's actually funny, whenever I have talked to this girl she's very solution oriented. Taking what I've said, and solving it: "you need to do this and this and this". A very masculine feature, one I'm careful not to fall into with other people who talk to me, though I have slipped up from time to time.

This as a girl I had very little to offer. Except my joking-ness, she did think I was funny.

Yeah, yeah- but looks aren't everything.

Hrm. Will just take a second, make a facebook group for Green Lantern movie watching, then go to bed.

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