Sunday, February 27, 2011

"She's going to make it after all" dun da dun duh

I keep going back and forth over whether I should post something now or not, because it's late, and I should go to bed. I've spent the day with the Mary Tyler Moore show, and the film version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest.

AND THEN in the past two days I've seen episodes of two Bob Newhart shows, and finished that Nightwing and Flamebird collection.

So, apparently I'm nostalgic for the 70's.

Which is some trick. I've heard of people dreaming about the roarin' 20's, the nuclear family 50's (not that I believe in that), give peace a chance 60's, the MTV 80's, the TGIF 90's... and I guess that's it.

But yes, this show is pretty awesome. That Ed Asner. It's ridiculous- that's the 90's Spider-Man show J. Jonah Jameson, and here he is- 40 something, with all the characters going on about how old he is- fast forward 30+ years, and his voice is still showing up.

"MR. GRAANT I'm not sleepy!"

Talking to your boss like he's your father- there's a fair bit of values dissonance here. But even then, I've seen a bunch of stuff that I know was really subversive for the time. I bet my Mor Mor hated these shows.

That's it I've seen this episode, I'm going to bed.

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