Friday, December 27, 2013


It's due back at the library today, so I should mention having read "A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming: Mastering the Art of Oneironautics".

The title rather says it all, at least about the books purpose. The actual execution seemed more in line with a pop-self help book. Not a whole lot of useful content.

Though I have become lucid in a dream before- it's pretty rare, but it has happened- I can report I managed to become lucid since reading the book. So whatever other faults I have with it, I have to give it props if, for no other reason, it kept the idea of trying to become lucid in my mind so that it would eventually happen.

But come on, guys, it's a small enough book as is, with some pretty large print. The dream flying tutorial was hardly any use. Wait, let me rephrase that. I wasn't any use.

*Silver the Hedgehog's voice* "It's no use!"

While I'm on the subject of dreams, this morning I dreamed something particularly upsetting, but for once it isn't immediately clear what the whole thing was about. I wasn't me, but some little boy who felt really guilty about taking some money from his job to buy a handful of junky looking garage sale type trinkets.

It was pretty strange. I woke up with tears in my eyes, with no clear understanding of why.

Well, here's to happy dreams in the future.

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