Monday, February 25, 2013

Surprising things's word of the day is "yare", it means quick/agile/lively, and is pronounced exactly like you'd think. Yay-R.

Except that it has an ALTERNATE pronounciation. Yah-R.

It can even be spelled "yar". THAT'S RIGHT! THE WORD OF THE DAY IS PIRATE TALK!! YAR!

I was just really surprised about this. (Title drop)

New topic. Have you ever heard of a "Faraday Cage"? Though it seems Benjamin Franklin made observations in regards to this phenomenon, Michael Faraday invented the thing in 1836. They are enclosures of conducting material that work to block external static and non-static electric fields. It seems the conditions for creating a Faraday cage are relatively easy BECAUSE (and this is the surprising part) you know how your cell phone loses a signal in the elevator? And you're like "dude, what's the deal, there's barely anything between my phone and the outside world with its various cell towers and whatnot" WELL the elevator itself is acting as a Faraday Cage! How awesome is that?

According to the wiki page ( there are people who work with crazy amounts of electricity from the relative safety of walking Faraday cage suits! Good luck using your bluetooth set, fellas!

Finally, less surprising and more heart breakingly well done. I was directed to this clip from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air as an example of Will Smith being a good actor. I already knew that, but wanted to check it out regardless. Good scene, sad scene.:

The description says Smith had father issues of his own to pull from, but another commenter says that isn't so. I don't know which is right, but good job regardless.

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