Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Highly creative, highly refreshing dream time

I had some serious trouble waking up today, so I just didn't. Made some new (ish) security/job work for March, had breakfast, watched an episode of Blade, chatted with my friend Josh then BOOM back to sleep.

I can only think that my brain needed the rest to fire on all cylinders, because I dreamed the entire time and it was a cool ride. Basically an entire comic style cosmology came to me. The majority of characters were hi-tech Bat-copies (I mean to say, this character was clearly Batman, this was clearly Nightwing, this was clearly Red Robin, etc etc) though none of them were physically identifiable as such, my brain had done complete and AWESOME redesigns that are too complicated for me to reproduce. I seriously have no idea where this stuff came from, but I like it. At one point I remembered thinking "man, I wish this wass what the new 52 stuff was like" but then realized, even while I'm STILL dreaming, that I can just take these characters and use them for myself. It's not like I dreamed them as particularly like anything that already exists.

The guy that I want to record the most is someone that really sprung fully formed into being. He was a mission control type of character, a bit gaunt, completely bald, but with a sort of neon yellow/green brim of a, let's call it a halo, but it actually surrounds his head as a brim just above the eye-brow level. I imagine there'd be a connective square of a device just at the back of the head. Not sure if the circle surrounds the head with space between, or if it is filled in and follows the contours of the head, but regardless it'd make for a unique silouette, a very nice bonus for making a character standout. I dreamed that this was the guy that was in the background, the ace in the hole coming in to save everyone's skins. It was actually rather tense, he was travelling THROUGH solid rock, which was naturally claustrophobic, and the brim was glowing as the source of light, and a few times a sharp digging implement could be heard searching for this guy.

To translate him into a useable character, I don't think I want to give him phasing powers, those tend to be rigged. Rather, I want him to be a walking Oracle (much more elegant than Cyborg) with the halo serving as his connective device to, well, may as well just say the internet. He'd come equipped with several small rectangular devices, probably all holstered inside his jacket, because that always looks sweet, which he'd plug into whatever hubs of technology that he'd want to control/gain information from. The go-to move for him is to access his control device that he'd always have located at the areas powerstation, to remotely cause all the electricity to go out- bam, instant cover of darkness, while he's got a handy virtual guide to walk through the darkness unperturbed. The downside in that situation is he'd have to turn off the power to a whole section of the city (that's how that works, right?) but as he goes he'd pop his little control devices into whatever center he needs for more specific control. Like, once he gains access to the power room of some evil underground base (or whatever) he could then turn the city's power back on and have the evil base shut itself down.

As a consequence of this being his go-to move, I figure I'd call him "Brownout". What do you think? Blackout is too obvious, and probably taken. That's where I'm leaning anyways.

There was this one surprisingly foul mouthed woman with mind control bullets, who was fighting two other people in an enclosed ring, and all she did was, whenever they turned on her, she'd shoot them so they'd fight each other, and then yell in their faces "F- YOU! AND F- YOU!" it was pretty funny actually. Then when she had to leave the ring to climb out she tossed a grenade down BEFORE she'd climbed out, sort of as a timelimit, incentive to get moving. Definitely a chaotic character.

Moving on to the guys that seemed like the Bat-characters, let's start with the most obvious one. He's actually an Iron Man/Batman fusion. So you have a ridiculously wealthy man (of course) driving through town in his black limo, but flying above and just behind was this giant torpedo of an airship, being driven by the wealthy guys "bodyguard". Yeah, you see where the Iron Man thing plays in. So at one point a huge plume of smoke envelops the limo up to the torpedo, and a zipline connects the two, flinging an occupant into the torpedo and it flies off to do whatever. Not sure why I dreamed the smoke, because the crowd was very aware of the wealthy guy being moved to the torpedo, they all just said "oh, he must have thought there was danger around".

So here's the concept: acting as the dark bodyguard for himself, he (the mysterious armoured half of the equation here) gets contracted out to various highest bidders in need of protection, who will invariably be evil (at least, all the ones that'd get stories told about them). The guy will take this evil person down from the inside, and then have this person impersonated for however long afterwards to maintain the public facade of being a bodyguard, thus getting more work, thus continuing the cycle. It's like Iron Man (with the bodyguard aspect I mean) meets Human Target.

Nothing particularly earth shattering about the Nightwing and Red Robin kind of guys. The former was clearly reporting to the torpedo guy, and had a sweet jetpack with the same feel as the Brave and the Bold Batman look to them. Compact, just sort of stretches out from behind the back. I actually dreamed them more shaped like the Batwing-wings from the Tim Burton movie, if that helps. The Red Robin was awesome, of course, though he didn't have a speck of red on him, but I still have to refer to him as such since he was one of the few guys that actually were called such in my dream. Ah, well. So what was cool about this guy was he was flying around with a jetpack/glider that he held onto from under neath. Sort of like a compact rocket powered hang glider. While I've got this figured out- I just realized what his mask looks like, it's like the mask Richocet wore, and with the "sad" Spider-Man eyes, ovals with the tops cut off by low angled cuts across the top of them. I aught to be able to recongnize what I mean with that description. Anyways, the guy with the jetpack caught sight of the guy with the glider, and shot a cable at him to stop him from getting away- but he was already flying over the edge of the building!- so he starts to fall, and he cuts the power to the glider, aims it at a building, and fires his own cable at it, then cuts off the restrictive cable the jetpack fired at him, then swings until it's possible to start up the glider again. Crazy unsafe to just hang onto the bottom of a rocket powered glider. Also, the "height" of cool.

Additionally I dreamed up a new Spider-Man costume, one that I liked better than what they had in the most recent movie... but only because it was more evocative of the original suit. Really, just stick with what you've got people! Stupid movie designers. It's there! Rgiht int he book! Just do what the book says, make money. Easy. Uh, yeah, but since it was clearly just Spider-Man there's nothing for me to take and use. Whatever, I feel like I won big time on this one.

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