Bah. I'm in a sour mood again.
Instead of blogging or review writing, or going to the walmart to load up on food for the coming week (it's called grocery shopping, Isaac) last night I doodled a little Donatello drawing in my paint program. It's pretty decent actually, it's my current facebook profile picture- I was sick of having my face on the book.
Here's the picture in question:

They've given him a bit of the insufferable genius in his latest portrayal in the ninja turtles comic. It's an easy short hand for 'smart guy', but he's never been like that before. Donatello has his head in the clouds a bit when he's got his tech hat on, absent minded professor type, otherwise he's the most humble of the turtles.
There's that "humble" word again, you'd think I really liked that quality or something.
He's the least physically capable turtle (except in the video games, where everyone loves the reach his bo staff gives- I'm talking especially of turtles in time/hyperstone heist. Were those the same game?) and he knows it. He doesn't get especially down on himself for it, which is pretty great- instead he works as hard as he can to be useful in other areas, specifically with the tech stuff. In doing so, and without even realizing it himself, the others have to tell him, he's the guy that the others depend on the most from a practicality stand point.
Ah, what a guy.
Anyways, I'd better go. My latest Torchwood dvd is now a day late, so I owe a dollar on that one, and I'm sure my Iron Man and Philosophy book was late too.
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