Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Problem Solved"

With a little under an hour before I have to be out the door, it looks like I've got some time for a quick blog post here.

Just copied down to a "word pad" the last bajillion entries from "toobusythinkingaboutcomics" and I am so far behind. I guess that was clear when I said there were a bajillion entries to copy down.

So word pad is an improvement over the notepad I had been using, I don't know why both exist on this laptop, but whatever. I see neither seems to accept copy-pasted images, but that's cool for now.

I had accepted an invitation to go see "Problem Solved" on the facebook, a facebook which helpfully points out what date the event happens on, and reminds you of it.

Now, I KNEW it was scheduled for Tuesday. I KNEW it! So when, on Monday, I see the event happening that night, I was confused. I double check the screen, I triple checked the screen. I was sure I was reading this wrong- it couldn't be Monday.

But, not trusting my own instincts (because in this situation, that'd be crazy) I head downt town, late, but present. And when I arrive at the destination (I actually ran into a relatively new friend of mine rather randomly who pointed me in the right direction) the doors seemed quite locked, the interior dark.

Neither pushing, nor pulling yielded to me access to the complex. Circling around to the back was similarly fruitless.

So I called up a buddy and watched Anchorman with him and a bag of chips. Pretty sweet deal, eh?

So Tuesday I'm looking at the facebook, and behold- "Problem Solved" tonight!

But, what, and you, with, I said, and... huh? Fine, so, I was right the first time, and I somehow couldn't read event dates Monday. Possibly this was an elaborate prank. (Well, not so elaborate, you change the date, then change it back. Hmm, a two step prank, that IS elaborate...)

I made the trip again, the doors opened, and a good time was had by all. Sure, I could go into more details, but I've gotta get ready for work!

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