Friday, April 23, 2010

Quite distracted. Posting this should help clear my mind. Or not.

I keep bringing my copy of the Metro paper home, despite the fact that I’ve long since completed the Sudoku, because I keep trying to remember to mention this: I’m pretty tired of hearing that the name of that Iceland volcano sounds like something just randomly typed on a keyboard. That’s lazy and pretty offensive. Eyjafjallajökull, yes, it’s a different language, different ways of emphasizing sounds, but could our various journalists just take two seconds to think of something better to say than “Eeeeyeah that’s hard to say.”

I’ve broken it down into something that makes sense to me: Ee-af-alla-yolk-ul. That probably isn’t a 100% right, but at least it’s something. And of course I’m not required to talk about the thing on broadcast television. Yeah, this probably would have been more interesting a few days ago when it was actually semi timely.

Oh, hey, speaking of broadcast television, you know why I actually said “broadcast television” there instead of television? Because it sounded better to me. But it’s actually been pointed out that it’s an anachronistic phrasing in a world the vastly favours cable or satellite. I mean, in the TV watching world. Television categorization really doesn’t make sense in, say, the Australian outback or something.

And while I’ve got this Metro in front of me: William Shatner for Governor General? On the one hand that’s probably a bad idea… on the other hand it’s got to be the best idea I’ve ever heard! I personally don’t feel I’m getting the proper entertainment value out of my Canadian political landscape.
I had a sentence here that was neither funny nor clever. So it’s gone. Don’t worry, you really aren’t missing much.

Okay, I no longer need this Metro. *throws it away*

Very freeing.

A few additional thoughts that wanted writing down:

So I mentioned SpongeBob Squarepants the other day- it’s a great show but really over exposed. I’m concerned about the cartooning options for this generation of kids; they just aren’t getting the wealth of material that ages with you. Watching Pinky and the Brain growing up I wouldn’t necessarily know all the references they were making but it was still really funny to me, and it just got funnier as I got older and actually got the reference.

Just now, I’ve changed the channel to a show about cartoons which is saying exactly what I was about to say here. Which is a really good way to demotivate me from writing it here. And is really distracting too.

It looks to me like kids are just getting cheap dubbed over versions of anime over here, and that’s no good. I just don’t like that many anime, on the whole it’s all visual style with no substance.

Actually there’s one I like, it’s called “Ouran High Host Club” and my brother can’t figure out why I actually like it- well it’s “surface dumb”, every cheesy joke made is fully aware of itself, already a huge leap ahead of most anime. The other thing is a lot of anime is ridiculously full of fanservice for guys, and I hate it- so while a “traditional” anime would have some awkward guy surrounded by a gaggle of women and hijinks ensues, “Ouran High Host Club” is about a “straight man” girl named Haruhi who is forced to join a gaggle of goofy men in entertaining girls at their school, it’s a great reversal, and the show is just so silly that I have to love it.

So for the record: cynically using scantily clad women to sell your story will turn me against your show. Using the exact same gags, but with men- big win.

And while I’m talking about it I should certainly point out that I adore “Akira”, both in anime and manga form (the two versions actually have a different story to it). So yes, I shouldn’t just warn against anime in general. But man, it isn’t a great ratio out there.

Well, that’s enough for now, I’m far too distracted. Maybe I’ll write more tomorrow?

One last quick thing though- Wednesday sucked for me, I was feeling interminably trapped, but given a day of reflection, perspective, and necessary alteration of my plans, I’m feeling much better. I’d imagine a day of peace is almost as good as having a confidant on whom you could thoroughly rely on. Ah well.


  1. Some anime is a style over substance but most of it, just not what we get over here, isn't. I love anime and I miss keeping up with my old shows.
    But in general cartoons these days suck compared to the golden era of my childhood. Nostlagia is a dangerous thing.

  2. Nostalgia would be a dangerous thing, except in this case you can totally just sit back and quantitatively lay out why these shows suck compared to what was out a decade-plus ago.

    Okay, mayhap that's fair enough to say- we just aren't getting the good anime over here. In that case I'm unhappy with the guys choosing what we get over here, and it's THOSE guys that overwhelmingly favour style over substance.
    That said, I am generally of the opinion that 90% of EVERYTHING is style over substance, that includes my beloved north american comics and whatnot. I just complain a little louder about anime doing it for some reason.
