Monday, April 5, 2010

Bed time?! More like stay awake because you're in pain! Wait, I did that wrong..

I am in a ton of pain. Like a metric ton.

My body keeps relaxing into place until I move in just the wrong way- at which point I flash and give a quick loud intake of air. That is of course when I don't just give in with a shout of pain. Depends on how surprised I am.
And really? Swallowing is hurting me as well? Real mature pain, way to kick a guy when he's down.

I imagine if I don't feel better in the morning I shall be making a trip to the Doctor instead of visiting friends after work.

Feel pretty gross sitting this unposture-ific, but stretching upward and outward isn't really practical at the moment.

Hey wait a second, I think maybe the ol' tylenol stuff is kicking in, I seem to have just this moment increased my range of movement...

I like the short sentence layout above, it's almost a visual representation of my situation, kind of an unintentional image poem.

Not that I've codified all my thoughts on what makes good poetry, but one maxim I generally think of is that a good poem will present an image that at first seems totally incongruent to the situation described but in fact when considered is true.
In the instance of poetry then, not necessarily prose, it's best to avoid cliché- clichés are clichés for a reason (that phrase itself has become a cliché), in that they are generally true and are familiar to the population at large. By being that recognizable it makes a sort of descriptor short cut, and lulls the audience into a quick familiarity with your subject matter. That's great for expediency's sake, so for prose it helps draw a reader in so you can get on with your plot, but not great when you are creating a work that is meant to compress an image and/or emotion, and by that compression requires that EVERY SINGLE SYLLABLE be thoroughly considered.

I wrote this in my note book after I sprinted after a bus today (I caught that bus, fyi):
"The drums of war beat against the back of my throat
Declaring the conflict waging between my body and the manacles of space and time."

I just thought it was an interesting idea, that shortness of breath and loud pulse from my run being likened to drums. Of course using just about any action/image in relation to a throat has become a sort of cliché... but I can't blame it for being used- the throat is a powerful thing: source of speech, channel for food and air, and there's that fear surrounding just how vulnerable a thing it is.

Not sure about "waging"; I just thought how "raging" could also be used... it reminds me of how I apparently had a rough time saying my "r's" when I was little... I remember one recess in grade 2 where I stayed in, reading some "See Jane Run" book and I had to say "roar", I think it was.

Except I didn't hear what I was saying wrong, so it just sounded like me and the teacher saying "roar" back and forth to each other for far longer than sensible. I trust that I had difficulty with my "r's" because of that one memory of a recess missed, not because of any miscommunication or ostracizing I had to go through.

Anyways, whether or not I succeeded in creating a line of any originality and accuracy, the point is that that is something I think a poet should aspire to: a poet is then an image pioneer.

But you know, that's just the opinion of some guy that writes comic reviews and little visual gags (whether or not they end up drawn), so feel free to argue that.


If I didn't want to be able to stop writing here at any time so I could go to bed when I felt I could, I'd probably write one of the two blog entries I've got in my head- the first is a mundane yet fun look at what web comics I read, the order, the "why-I-read-them". It really isn't that long of a list, but I'm looking forward to that.
The other one is a sort of extensive review of the latest Amazing Spider-Man issue- I would generally avoid doing a review here, since I've got places for that stuff elsewhere on the internet, but it's something I really want to talk about without any wordcount restrictions so I can really cut loose on it.
So, you've been warned, now you can skip the next couple entries I make in advance if those topics sound completely unappealing.


I've got an article in the works (i.e. my brain) about the comic series Preacher, I just finished the last two trades today and I'm pretty excited about it. The article that is. Preacher had its ups and downs.

Back to the Future 2 just ended, watching it with my brother- it's probably time for bed. Or Back to the Future 3. Definitely one of those options.

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