Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February 14th, 2016

February 14th, 2016

11:05 pm on the 17th, let's add some detail to the notes I wrote about the 13th, not too much detail, I want to be finished with these posts quickly and go to bed. I've got the curtains drawn, teeth brushed, the whole deal.

I thought it was just raining outside, it was actually icy rain/hail, everything was slippery outside, so I took the subway to work. A subway guard at the x-ray machine was glad to use English on me, telling me to take a drink of my water- I guess I had to prove it wasn't acid. Regardless she was cheerful.

Trying and failing to access onedrive system where Jordan put those Spider-Man comics for me, this particularly helpful project may be on hold until I get internet at my apartment. Or until I hear back from him about sending individual pages... he's been suspiciously quiet on the subject since... 

Private class with Tony, Kevin, and Cindy- restaurant reviews.

Salon with Harry ("Goliath") and Sissy (but blanked on her name which was mighty embarrassing) on quick thinking, during the course of which I used my 'drawing of cute things' powers to draw a penguin on the board.

Had lunch with that friendly guy whose name I once again forget, if I ever knew it.

Salon with Ailsa, Anna and Thomas on mingling and conversation. Participating in the mingling due to uneven student numbers, I drew a ninja turtle. Specifically, Donatello.

Filled out a survey for some phd student in the states about my blog- don't worry, my ears were pricked up for a scam, but the questions seemed pretty legit, and there were no questions about my mother's maiden name, or my first pets name, or "what is your credit card number?" gotcha questions that trick senior citizen types.

Second last class- Nicole and Lisa, Nicole is an animator(cool!) and Lisa is a medical student (also cool!). Lisa knows about and has seen season one of Rick and Morty! The lesson was about things we were proud of, giving a speech about the other persons proud moment, and also filling out a ten day plan of a fictional trip.

Last class with Tina and Amy, we avoided the actual courseware topic because it was too boring for Tina, who sort of has that bratty/cute thing going on,  and not boring enough for Amy. Apparently people think I'm weird for smiling so much- they've clearly never worked security, or at Ontario Place. They need to experience a few years of soul crushing drudgery to appreciate my feelings.

I joined Amy for dinner, where she checked whether or not it was okay to share a dish AFTER we'd ordered. I said it was okay, but me being me, no, I wasn't crazy about it. She got a call from her mother who was worried about her getting home safely in this weather- at this point we hadn't ordered yet, so I suggested we just get a dessert or something that we can have, and then she can head home, but she waved off the idea. I wonder whether she doesn't care if her mother worries, or if she's trying to look independant for my sake? Neither is particularly flattering, but she's young.

We split the bill, a reasonable 27 yuan each, or something like that, for some sort of tofu in a yellow soup, and some crispy beef thing. Maybe it was chicken- Amy always had tons of bones to spit out, and I pretty much had zero. It was funny how the foodstuffs favoured me that evening.

After leaving we parted ways as I needed to use the bathroom- boy, I DID drink a lot of water at that place, didn't I?

I wasn't sure whether or not I had class tomorrow, so I had to come in the next day to find out- it's not the kind of thing I want to be wrong about.

Outside Roosevelt there was snow everywhere, and it was hard to breathe with the wind blowing so hard. I hadn't brought any hat, gloves or scarf so this was a rough trip back home. And slippery, yes it was slippery. Once I got past the Wal-Mart the worst of the wind tunnel effect was over, and it wasn't THAT cold out. Obviously I made it back in one piece.

Let's hop to the next day. 11:30 pm

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