Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January 30th, 2016

7:16 am on the Sunday morning of January 31st.

In regards to the Friday, and my final English Corner for the week, I wanted to spend the time reviewing the vocabulary we had discussed so far, introduce a few new terms, round out the genre types with science fiction and fantasy (while pointing out that there are plenty more genres out there, mostly taking what we had already discussed and putting them in some combination). I picked up two clips to show the class- the trailer to the movie "Daybreakers" for sci-fi and the Council of Elrond/Formation of the Fellowship of the Ring in the first Lord of the Rings movie. Whatever that's called.

I had a clever idea that, in showing the "Daybreakers" clip, a science fiction movie set in a world of vampires, I could ask the class what genre that was, and they would erroneously say "horror"... I was a little concerned about the part of the trailer with this one outstretched monster-vampire... and judging by Dora's face when I showed the trailer I wasn't concerned enough. Whoops. And there was Lydian, the boss' wife, watching the trailer as it went. That was a disaster. Yes, after I asked Dora did indeed suggest it was horror.

This may be a case of being too clever by half.

So I went on to explain about the use of technology, social commentary, the every day issues translated to a fantastic setting and philosophical discussions that you see in a science fiction movie, like "Daybreakers". 

I didn't even bother showing the Lord of the Rings clip, not because it was scary, but I was on my guard about showing too many videos after that talk from Vicky on the Tuesday, and even I found the Lord of the Rings clip boring and/or lame. Sorry, nerds.

On the plus side, my English Corner ran on a two minute and thirty second trailer, as far as movie clips go. If I haven't refuted the charge of using too many clips now, then I never will.

Actually, it's hard to understand the accusation that I've used too many clips. My Simpsons presentation had two clips that maxed out at 4 minutes, I showed the one twice, but still, diluted over and hour... maybe the problem came from my presentation on those three songs? 

I'm probably complaining about this too much, but until I find a good formula I'll have to be worrying about this for as long as I'm working here. I need to talk to and interest a class with a very mixed English speaking ability, expecting new students to drop in whenever, without a set start and end curriculum date, so it's not like figuring out a year of grade 3 classes and then repeating them in September. They want spoken English like what they would hear in a western country, but made more understandable (so, NOT like in a western country). Chinese students are pretty good with grammar, so even if you wanted to teach grammar- and there are grammar lessons all over the internet- that isn't really what they're looking for... 

My next Wile E. Coyote type plan (I wish I could show Looney Tunes, but they're either totally silent affairs or they use language that is way too difficult.) is to grab early issues of Spider-Man and see if I can't power point those panels. Two slides to a panel, one is the original, next is the panel with highlighted words, third slide then cuts away to definitions and examples. I could read through it in different voices... fun and educational.

Oh, but, to return to this English Corner- after I finished talking about sci-fi and fantasy I moved on to talking with people about movies or shows they'd seen. I think it was Adam that described a Vin Diesel movie with a name that I didn't recognize, but, because of how he could now describe it, I could figure out it was The Chronicles of Riddick. I was VERY pleased- I had accomplished exactly what I had set out to do, getting them able to describe a movie to someone such that they could understand it even without the correct title.

And THEN the one guy I always felt didn't like my presentations offered to talk about The Godfather. Man, I was happy about that.

In conclusion, it was rough, but I succeeded.

Let's see, what else... Lily came by my desk to talk about some movies and tv shows. She let me know she was going to do that, but first was heading to the bathroom, so I took the time in between to wipe off the marker I had used on my lamenated lesson plan earlier that day. I didn't have kleenex or a cloth or anything, so I just used my finger... the result of course was a Leslie Nielson/Rowan Atkinson-ian in how I managed to get marker all over my hands, and leave a large black smudge on the lesson plan that I dropped in the pile to be filed away, hoping no one noticed. I'm surprised I wasn't doing the "innocent whistle".

Saw two white guys sitting at a coffee place. It looks like we're invading China after all.

I was given an employee card- it has none of my information on it whatsoever, and I'm to slide in a picture of my own. It's very official. So I don't have any more excuses as far as arrival times on the weekend. 9 am start time.

I also had an intriguing note left for me:

Sorry. Because there are temporary emergency at home, wait for the next class can not be.
See you tomorrow.

I'm guessing this is a student that was supposed to be in my class, but I'm not really sure. On the plus side, I'm perhaps convincing in my attempts to appear as though I've learned everyones names.

Well, that was the important stuff. Ah, I finally grabbed some food that I couldn't finish- some seafood and green pepper mix that was too spicy for me. It was killing me.

I met an English speaker moving into my apartment building- Iman, in 6-26. Apparently he's just graduated from the university? He was friendly- anytime I wanted to drop by I should feel free. Well, hey, if you ever want some water, raisins and oatmeal, then just drop by MY place.

Okay, I have to get ready for work, no excuses for tardiness. - 8:12 am

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