7:30 am
Man, it's been a while since I've actually been woken up by my alarm. The Saturday switch over to a 9 am start, versus the 1 pm weekday start, is rough. Rougher still because I didn't get home last night until about 11:45 pm. But, yeah, okay, I shouldn't have even started writing anything now. I'll get back to you this evening.
9:25 pm
Man, I am wiped. I just want to sleep. But even if I was a little tired, being tired at this job is still so much better than the agony of being tired on a security shift.
Okay brain, what did I do yesterday? I went to Wal-Mart before work and bought a small stainless steel bowl (they basically only come in small here..) as well as some moisturizer. It took a while to communicate that I wanted a moisturizer and not some cleanser. The stakes weren't so big here- the cold showers mean my skin has been the least dried out for the winter that it is possible to be while being free of chemical assistance and still have the weather be dry and cold out.
Yeah, it's definitely dry out- I've been getting shocked all over work. Before I open any door I have to rap it with my knuckle to hopefully dispel any static buildup. Hopefully.
But yeah, I WANTED the product with Snoopy on it, but couldn't confirm if it was moisturizer or not. Good mascots work is what I'm trying to say.
What else did I do- I ate with Alona, Steve, Bradley and Sylar whereupon we decided, minus Alona who had to leave early for a class (also I think she can only take so much sitting with us four, but I could be mistaken), that we would get Chinese barbecue after work.
And to fast forward AGAIN (I just want to sleep, I don't want to write) we invited the new teacher, Dany from Columbia, to join us. Yes, the country is important, we all assume this nationalistic identity when we're the only representative of our country. I repeated a sweet burn against the states that I read on facebook today solely to fulfill that duty. Well, no, it was a good burn, made me laugh. Eat it, the states!
Er, anyway, yes, Chinese barbecue. I made a face at the chicken feet... I should have insisted we try it for the experience, but, I mean, I'm as open minded as the next guy, but chicken feet is the feet of chicken. There is nothing about that which sounds, or LOOKS, appetizing. Who was the first guy to think- "I've got the rumblies that only chicken feet can satisfy" maybe he was on a paleo diet?
The most interesting thing to me about the evening at the barbecue place was this moment when, for some reason I'm not going to speculate on, two guys were discussing, I forget the term they used, "something something women" but regardless, when they were asked what they were talking about Bradley put it in simple terms- and I quote- "WHORES".
I found that to be a good reminder that despite how friendly he is, or how simple his English level is at the moment, he's still an adult... on the other hand, it was a fairly guileless, and therefore like a child, to be that blunt.
I can't speak to whether or not the discussion was serious or not, I was busy talking about the Monkey King.
It was a good time.
Okay, that's enough. No more writing, skipping the push-ups/burpees, no brushing of my various teeth (I don't care that I had some pieces of hard orange candy), it's 9:53 pm and I am sleeping now.
Good night
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