Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A revisiting in chinatown

A week or two ago I was visiting with these two guys I used to work with. I was reminded of the degree to which I keep some people at arms length when the one asked me about what my parents do for their anniversary, don't they go to new restaurants or anything. I hummed and hahed appropriately before switching topics. Ultimately, I don't really want these two to know me better than they already do, that's now our relationship.

Yesterday I had a great time hanging out with someone else whom I used to work with. I haven't seen her in a while, but she's one of my favourites. That said, she was similarly in the dark in certain respects.

I went into our meeting yesterday telling myself that I'd fill her in- because this is someone I wanted to have know me better.

We had dumplings. I've never had dumplings before- I actually ate a ton, because if it's in front of me, it's getting eaten (excepting the weirdly spicy spinach/kale looking thing from two nights ago. That wasn't happening.).

We talked about bikes and books. But I never did bring up that extra information.

It was just a really great time, why ruin it by making things heavy for no reason? I feel like I made the right call.

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