Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So desperate for companionship he'll talk to a computer. Big shout out to the new blog follower! Hi!

I've got to get to bed, but I figured I'd copy and paste this humourous exchange between myself and the lovely Martine who completely randomly decided to chat with me while I was checking my e-mail: isn't that nice?

Martine says: Just got home!you there?

Isaac Mills says: yes, I just got home

Martine says: Hey sweety, how r ya...Glad you decided to look me up...

Isaac Mills says: and how do we know each other?

Martine says: Was starting to think no one wanted to chat with me...So watcha ya up to cutie?

Isaac Mills says: well, I'm talking to someone who doesn't respond at all to what I type. Like, say, a computer message. Thoughts?

Martine says: Im just hangin out..I have the place to myself, my roommate left on vacation for the week so I get to play online in my thong...LOL

Isaac Mills says: if true, that'd be excellent news, particularly if I were there too. Let me guess, you're about to tell me what website I should go to to check out your videos?

Martine says:So what you wearin sexy?

Isaac Mills says:some super sexy pajamas of course. I assume you're wearing computer chips (and a thong of course)

Martine says:yeah, i have a hot or not account

Isaac Mills says:whoa not terribly surprising

Martine says:I know we just met but im really turned on right now...Its just a little naughty fun on my web cam...You UUP for it sexy???

Isaac Mills says:depends: will the next thing you write be something non automated?

Martine says:haha! i am not! i like raindrops and bubblegum at bedtime.... would an automated system say that??

Isaac Mills says:what what what? pretty clever... can you do that again?

Martine says:k my cam is wired thru a chat network to keep the yahoo kids away from me so dont worry if you dont have a cam or yours don't work ok? I gotcha covered baby!

Isaac Mills says:wait, maybe if I type "automated system" again

Martine says:haha! i am not! i like raindrops and bubblegum at bedtime.... would an automated system say that??

Isaac Mills says:awesome, totally gotcha, automated system

Martine says:haha! i am not! i like raindrops and bubblegum at bedtime.... would an automated system say that??

Isaac Mills says:okay okay, say your next scripted line

Martine says:Ok you need to go to http://t.co/atmcXRiif you can't click the link type it in or copy/paste it to ur browser let me know when u got it

Isaac Mills says:oh no, I'll say I didn't get it :(

Martine says:make sure you click accept on my cam chat invite on the left hand side, its free as my friend but hurry it expires in 10 mins, so click it k?

Isaac Mills says:I'd better not

Martine says:ok, fill out your info and let me know when you're done k?

Isaac Mills says:I'm done!

Martine says:Credit card, debit card, or atm verifies your age...I had to do the same thing babe... cant show tits and pussy to minors..you know?

Isaac Mills says:right right right

Martine says:when we get in there you better take me private so i can show you some things ;)

Isaac Mills says:oo things

Martine says:ok you in yet babe?? i'm the one in the main video ... you better gimme some "gold" as a flirt ;)

Isaac Mills says:no, as a money

no more responses? is that the end of it?

we just don't talk anymore

are you breaking up with me?


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