Saturday, October 22, 2011

A two hup

When I’m not writing these entries directly on (which is a relatively rare occurrence these days) I write them up at home on Microsoft word. I see this thing has immediately capitalized the ‘m’ in Microsoft. How about that.

I usually save them as the date when they’re written, not the snappiest of titles, but it keeps things simple. I didn’t make it out to a convenient place to upload yesterday’s entry, so today I’ll load both up. That’s, you know, why I’m mentioning all this. To let you know that there’s a new one just before this entry you may have missed.

Instead of working on reviews or uploading blog entries, or even going to the gym, I spent yesterday watching my brother play the new Batman game, or playing it some myself, or watching Sliders with my family (Cool Geoff, who I assume will read this, is like my sixth brother). Not a very accomplished day, but a very nice one.

I do have to get back to sleep though, four hours isn’t going to cut it. It’s early yet, just shy of 6am, but I’ve got a lot I want to do today- reviews, gym, groceries, friend’s party.

Let me tell you a bit about Sliders.

It’s a show with a tumultuous behind the scenes that ended up, naturally, greatly effecting the on air story. The consensus is that the first two seasons are a lot of fun (it’s those first two seasons that I now own) but the third season went off the rails with a more action oriented drive to it. The scripts suffered, and Jonathan Rhys-Davies vociferously pointed out that the scripts suffered. So he was fired from the show, character killed off.

(I’d really like to fact check the spelling of “Jonathan Rhys-Davies”, but I’d have to get up, walk across the room, and look at my box collection. It’s far, and it’s dark. Also, I’m kinda cold. All great reasons to fuggedaboutit.)

It seems similar scenarios played out with Jerry O’Connell and Sabrina Lloyd (wow, I’m guessing at a lot of peoples names and the spelling thereof. With the natural exception of Jerry “Mr. Rebecca Romijn” O’Connell. I certainly will have to make a precautionary google search to make sure that’s all spelled right.) though I’m less sure of whether or not they had problems with the quality of the writing (as laudable a reason to get fired as I’ve ever heard) or whether or not they just got too big for their britches. Despite the fact that O’Connell managed to strong arm his real life brother onto the show as a main character, I’ll give the benefit of the doubt and assume these two also had an artistic integrity that grated against higher ups/producers. It does sound like a lot of these guys didn’t like this Steve Peckinpah producer guy.

Anyways, at its heart the show is considered the spiritual successor to Quantum Leap, a fact that I find fantastic, since I’m also into that show- though I’d never heard of Quantum Leap until years after Sliders was off my radar, so I got things a bit backwards there.

Apparently there was a ten issue Sliders comic (I knew about the comic thanks to that old YTV review show “The Anti-Gravity Room”, but I never knew how long that series ran.), one of the issues was written by Jerry O’Connell which I think is a cool fact, but much much better is the idea that before the series was cancelled there was talk about doing an issue that crossed over with… Quantum Leap! How awesome would that have been??

So yes, it’s not just coincidence that I always lump Sliders and Quantum Leap together, a lot of people have been drawing connections between the shows for years. It’s apparently hinted at that the character of Maggie Beckett, who replaced Professor Arturo (Rhys-Davies), was the niece of Sam Beckett!!

Uh, to keep you in the loop, Sam Beckett is the star of Quantum Leap.

Hmm… oh, did you want me to actually talk about what happens on the show itself? Like, story wise? I don’t know, I’ve already written more than a page of stuff here… Maybe later, I think I can sleep a little bit more now.

I did a lot of parentheses stuff this entry, eh? I mean, even for me, that was a lot of parentheses stuff.

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