Friday, August 5, 2011

A (slightly) closer look at Kyle Higgins

I WAS going to say how I'd just come from the Kyle Higgins blog to here, but then I got delayed reading a "Too Busy Thinking About Comics" post, which always takes a lot of time to get through.

So many comments.

The Kyle Higgins blog is interesting because I keep trying to figure out what Higgins has done to land him a starring role in comicdom.

Part of that is my own burning jealousy, sure, but there's also curiosity at play. Time after time, tracking the career path of all the big names, they've invariably paid their dues in some way.

The greatest example is the author of Dr. McNinja getting to write Deadpool. Here's an awesome guy that produced an amazing webcomic for a couple of years, and now he's writing Deadpool. Makes sense to me.

People who've written novels- like Brian Meltzer. He's famous, he says he wants to write a comic, his audience will follow him to said comic. Makes perfect sense.

Now, I question the wisdom of assuming all mediums are created equal, that just because Meltzer is good as a novelist he will surely be good as a comic writer. But that's another can of worms.

Jeff Lemire, who I've pointed out isn't my favourite author- he's done a fair amount of material on his own, done the convention circuit thing BEFORE he became affiliated with DC. The man did the work, I get it.

But Higgins... as far as I can tell, he's responsible for a half hour super hero movie for his higher education thesis. That's it.

That must be the greatest movie ever!

I did read one interview he gave about his upcoming role as the writer of Nightwing. He sounded cool, really enthusiastic, so good luck man.

I like how his first blog post talked about how un-into the idea of blogging he was. Which is exactly what I said too. Maybe I've found a kindred spirit?

Ahh probably not- I've done a gillion blog posts since I've started and he did 11 before I guess moving on to greater things.

What? 11?!? That's my monthly quota number, popping up again. We've got some kind of numerology up in this place.

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