Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gimli AND the fat kid from Stand By Me? How can you not love it?

Just commented over on a comic discussion blog, my validation word was "resqu" which I think is fantastic.

Are those words always real words, spelled differently, and I've just never taken the time to notice it?

"Resqu" or maybe "Res-Q" sounds like a 90's character, but one that's entirely too optimistic. I think I'd like him/her.

And YES of course I'm aware of the Marvel character "Rescue", the super heroic identity assigned to Pepper Potts since she got her super heroic up grade a couple years back. She had a mini series, not sure if she's still around though.

With any luck she'll just get downgraded back to Tony Stark's assistant and sometimes love interest. Yes, that sounds horrible of me, but I've got her best interests at heart: have you seen what they've done to James "Rhodey" Rhodes aka War Machine? He's some kind of cyborg now! Who still has to wear powered armour!

Well, maybe that isn't so bad after all. Whatever. Anyways. Concordantly.

I walked/ran to the comic store the other day with my bro Jordan. We followed the same route last week, so did I mention this last week? That dude really needs a lot of breaks. It makes me feel good about my own skill level, even though I don't run as much as I used to.

It's easier to push myself, 'cause I'll know when enough is enough- obviously. I'm not sure if I was setting the bar too high or not high enough on the run.

Coaching is hard. How do the Leafs/Jays/Raptors do it?

Oh, right- with millions of dollars.

I wasn't very motivated to run though, during our more walky portion Jordan was telling me about some money troubles that really got me down.

On the positive side, we did manage to reach the comic store before it closed (it was a close one though) and picked up the new Daredevil #1 comic. It was AMAZING, I'm definitely buying more of this series, so long as this is the creative team. Naturally, if you'd like to hear more about my thoughts on this head over to about... tomorrow morning-ish for when I load up my reviews.

Unless I load them this evening, it all mixes together.

I've only got a hundred and ten pages left in my book to read. So if I keep to my usual pace of reading a hundred and twenty pages a night I'll be done Saturday morning with some time to spare maybe.

Pirate Prentice, the first character to appear in the book, has finally RE-appeared, after only a four hundred page abscence. Is that all? He has a sort of psychic dream sequence where he wonders where he's been and discovers he's going to betray his comrades. Naturally I took this as a meta commentary about his conspicuous abscence in the story.

I know that sounds super obvious when I lay it all down like that "he wonders where he's been... I took that as a meta commentary about his abscence in the story." Yes, I've worded it so that I sound like an idiot, I'm sorry! It was actually a pretty crazy part. Several sections of the book, you just have to take on faith that it'll make sense later. Gravity's Rainbow is pretty much what you'd get if you tried to sit down and make a whole season of X-Files fit into one book. Uh, but if you throw in some of the math from Fringe I guess. No, wait, from Numbers.

I should really have watched more X-Files before making that comparison, I've seen something like two episodes in my life. As well as only five or six episodes of Fringe.

And like, half an episode of Numbers.

But I'm sure I saw like 97% of The Lone Gunmen when it was on t.v. An X-Files spin off has to count.

Pfft, whatever, I admit it, I'm a Sliders guy. I've got my eye on the box set of season one and two at the HMV for $40. And once I get over my crippling fear of spending money on things other than food, bills, metropass, movie trips with friends, and my weekly comic books, then I'll totally be getting it.

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