Switched back from the video 2 screen of watching "Psych" on the Xbox-amajig to the regular channel, where everything onscreen was frozen, and when I changed channel, only darkness.
As the sudden shift from the expected to the weird sank into my mind, I was struck by a lightheadedness, and suddenly I'm hot and woozy.
The two events may or may not be connected.
I need to sleep.
But now is the only time available for a halfway decent posting, before 27 hours (I was just awake for 27 hours yesterday! Coincidence.) into the future I'll have a bare hour to write SOMETHING here before a hop BACK into bed, my monthly quota reached.
30 days hath September, April AND June inDEED.
I know that's not how the jingle goes. Artistic liberties were taken just now.
Very liberties.
I didn't manage to make it out to Midnight in Paris today- in fact I was almost late for Bad Teacher as it was.
So Bad Teacher. Pretty good, had some laughs- there were a couple of points where my two friends and I were about the only ones laughing at certain things, and it feels pretty good that we were on at least a bit of the same wavelength.
However, the film could've gone from fun collection of scenes to something with a much stronger story to it... well, not easily, there'd have to be a lot of stuff rearranged and added, but I'd have appreciated those things.
Jason Segel was great- but really playing against type. A nice surprise. He's usually the more naive character, a little out of step with the rest of the world: Marshall in How I Met Your Mother, the dude from Forgetting Sarah Marshall (are they REALLY spelling Marshall the same for both of those things?), and if the trailers were any indication (I didn't actually get to see it) his role in the Jack Black "Gulliver's Travel's".
On the other hand, his big break came from the show Freaks and Geeks, followed by Undeclared I think was the next shows name, and those two guys are more worldly. Well, as worldly as any of those teenagers could be on Freaks and Geeks, so not very- but his character was perhaps more true to life is what I'm saying.
But yeah, his character in Bad Teacher could easily be the grown up version of his Freaks and Geeks character. You know, ol' whatsisname.
And they should definitely have digitally altered the standardised test that shows up so it read 2011 instead of 2010. I can't imagine that, relatively speaking of course, that would've been too hard.
Apparently it also read 2010 on the yearbook onscreen? I didn't see that one, but still, how hard could it have been?
But it was still a much better film going experience than Bridesmaids. They left things unsaid in Bridesmaids (the father of the bride did NOT have the money for the wedding, how was that brought up once than never dealt with? That's pretty big!) but people are making it out to be this great story telling achievement, whereas Bad Teacher isn't made out to be something it's not, story wise.
I guess that's more of a marketing issue? I don't know, I'm tired.
I'm really glad I've read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest now. The scene about the one guy that starts yelling "I'm TIRED!" is great, I always think about it now, every time I say I'm tired.
True story.
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