Hm, someone (probably me) has closed the program for sound on this computer, and it's too much of a hassle to fix it right now. Hopefully I've embeded the right clip at the bottom, it's kind of guess work at the moment.
Along the same lines as I had been discussing yesterday, finding the inciting incident of a story, I naturally take all this info and apply it to the story that's nearest and dearest to my heart- my comic!
The thing that really starts off all the action in my book is when the little creature named "Number One" releases all the heroes from their mindless thrall so they can go and do stuff OTHER than be experimented on under dangerous conditions.
The reason Number One decides to do this, as I had written it originally, was due to some ineffable quality in Atticus- merely his presence!- that inspired Number One to release them. This was supposed to be emblematic of Atticus' deus ex machina/Mary Sueness powers, but unsurprisingly it's weak story wise.
However!! During my recent story form studyings I hit on a different way to kick everything off- what if, instead of 5 heroes, the very begining has 6. Then one of them gets killed during the experiments, and so a horrified Number One sets the others loose. Not only is this a waaay more credible inciting incident, but it gives me the chance to do something else.
See, before these characters evolved to their current forms, if we rewound the tape to grade 6-7 you'd find drawings that already had 6 characters. It's just that during the revamping process even an eleven/twelve year old Isaac was able to tell that there were too many redundancies from a character perspective to sustain six separate characters. Everyone else fell into their own niche relatively easy, not to mention they lent themselves to cooler updates more organically.
I felt bad about it, but number six had to go. We (my brother and I) never even really fixed on a name for him after the update- before hand he was Super "insert name of the friend he was based off of". We were kind of messing around with a football themed identity, but that was obviously not something I had a lot of experience with to draw from.
Now I kind of want to name him "Number Six"... too 'Cyber Six' maybe. Which was an awesome show by the way.
But yeah, 6 gets "killed" so Number One releases the main cast, and then in the sixth issue when the mutated Dr. Corvid (turned Doc Flight) sets loose a robot army I can add a cybernetically revived 6 to lead the bad guys. I know that's sort of a cliche gambit at this point (that's basically what they did with Bucky Barnes, though he wasn't actually dead...) but it would still be awesome.
Speaking of awesome- when I was coming up with this I realized that the robot doppleganger of Eyesore didn't have a name to match his updated form either- and the sixth issue was always supposed to be his/its origin, besides being a cool stand off between the heroes and Doc Flight.
But I got it!
In tribute to the great naming conventions of Digimon shows of old, I dub thee "Metal-War-Eyesore".
Be sure to pronounce it with a heavy emphasis on the "TAL". And, like, with a clenched fist an inch in front of your nose.
This video should prove instructive (but just skip to the last ten seconds):
I'm sure I wasn't the only one disappointed to realize there was no such digimon as Metalwargreymon. But clearly, that would've been the best one ever.
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