Obviously, I miss the silence already.
Then again, thanks to power I got to see a video of some guy making fun of Phantom Menace, so really, it's a wash.
Had a pretty lame dream where I was stuck in a kind of repressive sunday school type thing, the last thing that happened was some kind of math test. There were nine questions on the board, and we were all given a sort of keyboard calculator, where in place of the F keys along the top there was another row of numbers 1-9, each operating as a short cut for a particular calculator function... so they were JUST like the F keys, but there were less of them, and they didn't have the F emblazoned on them.
But I didn't realize they were function keys. And then we were told to do questions 5-9 first (for simplicity's sake). But just do it like this Isaac! Wait, what did that do? Why is that the answer?
Like that matters!
Wait, these are the function keys, I get it- okay, let me look at question 1-
NOPE everyone flip your sheets
Who got all the questions done? *hands go up*
Who got some of them done? *hands go up none of them mine*
Man, that sucked. Where do you reckon THAT came from? Any dreams relating to exams or the like are usually just me forgetting I had to go to one, then trying to rush over to the place. And even those dreams were pretty much exclusively reserved for, you know, the night before an ACTUAL exam.
... wish I could say the situation itself had never really happened to me. Miss one exam and you're scarred for life it seems.
This is all Chaucer's fault.
Still no word on my security licence, which has me a little worried too- but seeing as I only JUST got my CPR licence card thingy in the mail, and it had a good head start on my security application, I guess I can breathe a little easier.
With the snow melting and everything, I went for a short run yesterday. For someone who self identifies as a runner, I'm not where I want to be ability wise. It's been a longish winter.
And I need new shoes, my right foot keeps getting soaked- and I can't even see where the whole is, but there has to be one.
I read through volume 2 of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol- "The Painting that Ate Paris" the other day... er yup, I said volume three on my facebook page. How embarassing! Well, a little 1984 style editing, and now I never made the mistake in the first place.
We should really focus on some of the pros of living in a 1984. I'm kidding.
But I really enjoyed the book, a hypothetical fifth horseman of the apocalypse is trapped in the painting, and as it travels through the various infinite paint-scapes it gains power from the ideologies therein. i.e. realism, abstraction, etc. etc. each give power to this epically giant horseman.
Here's an awesome panel I've got up as my profile image right now:

Eventually the Morrison iteration of the Brotherhood of Evil- the "Brotherhood of Dada" joined forces with the Doom Patrol to direct the horseman to an absurdist level, where it lost all its power and was turned into a kids rocking horse.
It was pretty awesome. I've got the next volume coming through the library, but I have a feeling that was the high point of the series run right there.
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