Saturday, December 11, 2010

A grown man talking about Tangled. You're welcome.

Hmm, all the warmth and life energy have been sucked out of my right index finger. It's an interesting phenomenon that driving seems to produce. It's a cold steering wheel alright, but why no anti love for my middle finger/ring finger/pinky? I suppose I do most of my driving with one finger...

Made the most of a trip to Harvey's- three refills. So this is what it feels like to be two thirds made up of iced tea.

Last Tuesday I went to see Tangled with Cool Geoff and my brothers Simon and Jordan. I wasn't planning on seeing it- but when Cool Geoff comes calling, you've gotta accept the charges!

I bet kids today would have no appreciation for how awesome that phrase is. Too many cell phones, not enough collect calling. Someone needs to start stealing cell phones and replacing them with pagers. I imagine only Santa has the network to accomplish that. (network! like, phone network, but also system for going to everyones houses? Fine. Nobody get's me.)

"Nobody get's me." is also an amazingly funny line. Bill Murray used it in Scrooged.

Riiight, Tangled.

So right off the bat, the songs didn't impress me, there were no stand out "Hakuna Matata" or "I Can Go the Distance" numbers to reel you in... with the POSSIBLE exception of the number they did in the bar "The Snuggly Duckling" where all the tough guys were singing and they made the male lead sing only through threat of violence... but that was just a funny bit, that doesn't really make the song itself better than the others.

There were two animal sidekicks in the movie, a chameleon named Pascal, and a horse named Maximus. Personally, Pascal didn't add much to the movie, though he can certainly make for a very cute little stuffed toy, so that's important.

Maximus, howevever, was awesomeness/hardcore incarnate, and easily the best part of the movie. Everytime he appears, it's this uber competent, no nonsense horse with this intense stare to his face. Is it a little silly for a horse to smell out his opponent like a blood hound? Maybe so- BUT DON'T TELL THAT TO MAXIMUS!

When the male lead Flynn is about to make good his escape from the palace guards, thanks to his wielding of a frying pan, without missing a beat Maximus draws a sword out with his mouth from a downed guard, and proceeds to sword fight with Flynn's frying pan. And then Flynn, played by the guy who plays Chuck, but I forget his name at the moment, beautifully deadpans "this is absolutely the strangest thing I've ever done."

The story structure was pretty straightforward, but I imagine if I went back and watched some old Disney films I'd feel the same about all of them as well.

Oh yeah, Tangled is a Disney film... how did I not know that going in? Seems like a pretty big point, but I honestly didn't know.

The villainess's plan was really well done- due to it being a situation of her having to manipulate Rapunzel to stay in that tower, I was on the lookout for the kind of inconsistencies that would make me sit up and say "whoah now, that's not how that character would react- now you guys are just shoe-horning in what you need to make your plot work!" but no, every action had a believable re-action, ending up working in the villains favour. That's tight criminal masterminding.

And as far as the big finale with the bad guy, I won't spoil you, but I thought it would go one way, it went another, but after the fact I agree that's the only way it could really have gone. A.k.a.- the way all good stories should end.

Plus there're the two scenes- the romantic boat ride where Flynn and Rapunzel realize they love each other, and when Rapunzel is reunited with her long lost parents, that got to me a bit, and prove that I'm a big softie. Curses!

In the end, this was a pretty good film, so if you've got any little cousins or anything that want to go see a movie, Tangled is a good choice for them.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to waiting for that awesome looking Jeff Bridges cowboy picture. Moving picture.

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