Monday, May 17, 2010

Reading over shoulders

A couple of days ago on the subway a guy was reading the cover story for this weeks "EYE WEEKLY"- and I read the intro over his shoulder as unobtrusively as possible. The title of the article was "Stroll- Shawn Micallef's flâneur manifesto, revisted"

Ah I love that word- flâneur. Go back two years and I wouldn't have known what that was, but I identify with it so much. "He who walks around the city, taking in his surroundings." That's my definition for it anyways, I'm sure this is a concept with some room for personal interpretation.

Which, now that I think of it, can also be true of just about anything. There're just varying degrees of accepted definitions for things.

This has been bugging me forever- I keep saying "just" in stuff. It's ridiculous. Let's avoid that for the remainder of this post at least.

Anyways, my interest piqued, I picked up my own copy of EYE.

For whatever reason I don't usually check out these periodicals, EYE or NOW. They tend to lounge around my room until they get thrown to the recycling dogs, so I haven't necessarily developed either the proper appreciation for these papers or a real taste for what makes them unique from each other. I may have to work on that, not sure if it's worth the time. It's with all that in mind that I was surprised at how thin the paper was. It totalled out at 40 pages, with the cover story on page 6. Not what I expected.

Said cover story was enjoyable, citing certain writers that I'm interested in learning more about in the future; it was (if I'm understanding it right) a reprint of an earlier article by Shawn Micallef. The only reason I'm unsure, and I don't even have the part underlined or anything, but when I was reading it there was a part that struck me as anachronistic, like some single part was rewritten and it made me doubt the chronology of the whole thing. Regardless the article serves as an intro and an ad for his upcoming collected book "Stroll: Psychogeographic Walking Tours of Toronto".

I'm not nuts about the term "psychogeographic", it's a little blunt and limiting in my mind. But it's not my book.

There's a launch party for the book Tuesday which would be cool to go to- but a friend of mine is having a screening of the first Ninja Turtles movie. I know where my priorities lie.

There's more I could mention about the paper, but I got caught watching Castle, then House, and NOW Chuck. Sheesh, too much t.v. Obviously it's really distracting.

After a full weekend of work I was pretty exhausted today. Spent most of it chilling out in bed. It was pretty nice.

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