Another close call- I remain ever vigilant against my insidious enemy.
That said, I did raise some interesting questions to myself, so I may have done some good in that regard.
HOWever let's deal with writing here whatever I'd like to write here.
First- have you seen the Scott Pilgrim trailer? It's a movie I'm definitely excited to see, but I was surprised that its trailer didn't stun me into a blissful stupefaction. I noticed things. Precisely what you don't want in a trailer- I was taken out of the idea of it.
The problem is Michael Cera. Now I greatly enjoy that guy as a comedian who does movies, and I feel reasonably confident that he could even be a bit of an actor when the situation called for it- like his character Francois in "Youth in Revolt"- Cera did a fantastic job with that guy, and if Francois showed up more during "Youth in Revolt" then I wouldn't at all have left the theatre a little disappointed, nervous sweat trapped in the micro-mustache I'd carefully prepared for the occasion. Back to the Scott Pilgrim trailer- there's a flash (hard to call anything a "scene" in a minute or so long trailer) with Cera and his love interest in bed together and I just don't buy it. His face expresses surprise and awkwardness- but what's worse (to me) his hands SCREAM surprise and awkwardness. It's like they're desperately yelling at Cera to touch nothing but the lamp (couldn't resist a quick Aladdin reference- there is no lamp to which I'm referring). I mean he couldn't quite hold his love interest there, and that really bothers me.
An argument could be made that this was a "flash" of one of the times Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers are together in bed and he's feeling guilty about something, or is just generally distracted- there are certainly those moments in the books- but I don't buy that, the tenor of the trailer required that "flash" to be the moment establishing the closeness between Scott and Ramona, not a sneak peek into any of their dissonant moments.
Fun trailer over all, just not perfect.
And that leads me to my youngest brother. He's gone nuts over this trailer- he called it the best trailer ever (just had to re ask him if that's what he called it), not only is he blind to any faults that may exist in said trailer, which would be fine, but he's exhibited a weird kind of ownership and pride in it. Don't really know where that came from, but I certainly enjoyed the caricature that sprang into my mind as a result:

Please note the Mr. Magoo like closed eyes, the incoherent "Boo Bap-- Bum De Bum" words surrounding the belligerent, and impossible, assertion that he has, in fact, invented trailers- and most importantly take note of the dotted-lines indicative of where suspenders would be tugged self aggrandizingly had he been wearing any.
Hmm, maybe this is funnier when it's just me walking around doing this impression. Either way, I'm sure my brother will be a good sport about me having some fun at his expense here.
Two of my favourite things- fun little drawings, and me explaining what makes something funny to me. Excellent.
Before I go, took a quick peek at the Toronto Quarterly publication today, and was quite pleased to see my friends poem therein. References to seed catalogues and ledgers? I get that reference. I'm one of the cool people.
hehe yes you are.
ReplyDeletegood post, entertaining as always.
I absolutely love the fact that you drew out your "I invented trailers" action; it was an awesome surprise.