Just got home a few minutes ago- it's 11:14pm June 30.
This is it, post the eleventh- that which I'd been working so hard to achieve this past week.
Eh, so that's it? No magic portal opens to "(my first impulse was to say Terabithia- which is a reference to a book I've never read, and I am no way certain I spelled that right. There are a bunch of options here... what's the galaxy or star system or whatever that Flash Gordon goes to? Can we pretend I said that?)"
The important thing is that everything is nice and symmetrical.
Okay, but let's still talk about something before I have to send this thing into the ether.
Oh, I know, I was basically stuck in a cartoon on the way home, sitting across from this adorable couple playing sudoku and looking happy, and more importantly this one guy with an amazing jaw line that couldn't be real- and I'm not talking about an exaggerated masculinity to it, the only thing I can think of to describe it is it's like a birds head- the beak represents the chin, but not quite so pointed- with a human face tattooed on it.
Quick note, because whenever I'm writing I always recheck the definitions of words, even if for no other reason than to check my spelling- tattoo, as in inked markings on your body, was for a secondary definition of the word.
The first tattoo had the definition:
1) a signal on a drum, bugle or trumpet at night, for soldiers or sailors to go to their quarters
2) a knocking or strong pulsation
3) an outdoor military pageant or display
I found that interesting.
One of my staff today wondered if I was one of those kids that could never stop talking. My wanting to keep typing to flesh out this random 11th post would seem to support this idea- but I did point out that I get paid to keep those guys motivated. Which I do with joking. Fortunately most of my audience/staff seem to laugh, whether or not I made any sense.
I don't know about you, but I want some dinner- it's midnight! Almost, anyways.
Anyway, I better quit now, before something happens and this doesn't post before the date change.
Hopefully I can avoid being this last minute crazy next month.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
"Patent pending patent pending patent pending"- Homer Simpson (I think)
Just returned from Toy Story 3- it's pretty amazing that I have only seen the original a handful of times (aside from Star Wars and the Back to the Future movies, how many movies do we re-watch a whole lot of?) but the running gag of "Ooh- The claw!" or "Reach for the sky!" and I'm completely into it, I've completely appropriated the film as important to my own past.
Could be I've just been manipulated by the film, but if so: bravo.
Ah it was so gorgeous. I'm on the verge of leaving a spoiler warning and explaining the part at the end... oh the part! I've heard that many have called the movie "sad", but I think that's an example of a limited range of thinking/explaining.
The part I'm thinking of is more bittersweet- I'm not sure there's a more appropriate word to encapsulate the feelings of poignant wistfulness and nostalgia, inevitability, and hilarious connection.
Whatever word it is, it means the same as "laughing-out-loud-while-on-the-verge-of-tears". So you know, that hypothetical word has some range to it.
I've got to not stay up too much longer, I've got work all day tomorrow, but I'm short changing Toy Story in stopping here.
I love how everyone's like "See you around, Cowboy" to Woody. I've got to write a cowboy story sometime.
Actually, there's one story I've had in my head for a number of years now, why don't I talk about it now for a bit? That would actually be a pretty fun post before I go to bed.
The origin of it was that I wanted to have an adventure starring a cowboy, and samurai, and a knight all together- so it would necessarily be an amalgamated, anachronistic world setting. I had heard (probably an apocryphal tale) of an excursion a bunch of samurai made to visit the Pope, and after coming all that way were turned away, I guess for being foreigners. So the way I've got it figured, that's how my samurai would meet my knight, with his travelling to that neck of the woods. After that they end up with a kid (boy, rather) who travels with them. We'd follow them over a series of adventures, as the time moves ahead, the boy grows up, and there's a passing of the torch between one heroic tradition of the eastern past to that of the western future.
So, yeah, this is just something I've thought a bit of over the years, there isn't even a villain or whatever is the impetus to keep this trio together forever. Something makes them a surrogate family to each other, but I haven't worked it out at all. At all.
It's hard to feel bad considering how much detail exists in my comic book story. I'm sorry Straight Arrow! Maybe I won't kill you off in the hypothetical climax of issue #9 or #10! Ah you're such an awesome guy. You know he has the ability to intrinsically know how to do something he wants to do, and whether or not it's possible for him to do it? He's basically a kind of explanation for why comic book heroes are so sure of themselves on slippery roof tops, and have incredible aim, and whatnot- so then here he is, some kind of doomsday device is about to go off, it would kill millions, and even though he has the books main cast all around him for help, because of his ability he can instantly KNOW that any scenario would result in failure, except for the one where he pushes himself past his limits to save the day, and he dies after saving everyone.
Oh that's right, I had also been considering the possibility of an alternate ending where he survives, thus disproving his ability, and edging away from any the "it was fated to be thus" type of thing. Even though I've specifically designed Straight Arrow to not be a precognition guy (how do you like that- typing precognition twice in two days! Wait, was that yesterday? I've lost track of time.) but a... I guess I'll say advanced computer for brevities sake (I do have to go to bed ten minutes ago) but saying computer in connection to this guy gives the exact wrong kind of feeling. It's more like supremely justified confidence, halted only by the the physically impossible.
Anyway, he's a cool guy that isn't a main character/villain. That was my point, that I've got some of those, just not in the Cowboy/Knight/Samurai thing.
Okay, bed time, see you tomorrow/today for #11!
Could be I've just been manipulated by the film, but if so: bravo.
Ah it was so gorgeous. I'm on the verge of leaving a spoiler warning and explaining the part at the end... oh the part! I've heard that many have called the movie "sad", but I think that's an example of a limited range of thinking/explaining.
The part I'm thinking of is more bittersweet- I'm not sure there's a more appropriate word to encapsulate the feelings of poignant wistfulness and nostalgia, inevitability, and hilarious connection.
Whatever word it is, it means the same as "laughing-out-loud-while-on-the-verge-of-tears". So you know, that hypothetical word has some range to it.
I've got to not stay up too much longer, I've got work all day tomorrow, but I'm short changing Toy Story in stopping here.
I love how everyone's like "See you around, Cowboy" to Woody. I've got to write a cowboy story sometime.
Actually, there's one story I've had in my head for a number of years now, why don't I talk about it now for a bit? That would actually be a pretty fun post before I go to bed.
The origin of it was that I wanted to have an adventure starring a cowboy, and samurai, and a knight all together- so it would necessarily be an amalgamated, anachronistic world setting. I had heard (probably an apocryphal tale) of an excursion a bunch of samurai made to visit the Pope, and after coming all that way were turned away, I guess for being foreigners. So the way I've got it figured, that's how my samurai would meet my knight, with his travelling to that neck of the woods. After that they end up with a kid (boy, rather) who travels with them. We'd follow them over a series of adventures, as the time moves ahead, the boy grows up, and there's a passing of the torch between one heroic tradition of the eastern past to that of the western future.
So, yeah, this is just something I've thought a bit of over the years, there isn't even a villain or whatever is the impetus to keep this trio together forever. Something makes them a surrogate family to each other, but I haven't worked it out at all. At all.
It's hard to feel bad considering how much detail exists in my comic book story. I'm sorry Straight Arrow! Maybe I won't kill you off in the hypothetical climax of issue #9 or #10! Ah you're such an awesome guy. You know he has the ability to intrinsically know how to do something he wants to do, and whether or not it's possible for him to do it? He's basically a kind of explanation for why comic book heroes are so sure of themselves on slippery roof tops, and have incredible aim, and whatnot- so then here he is, some kind of doomsday device is about to go off, it would kill millions, and even though he has the books main cast all around him for help, because of his ability he can instantly KNOW that any scenario would result in failure, except for the one where he pushes himself past his limits to save the day, and he dies after saving everyone.
Oh that's right, I had also been considering the possibility of an alternate ending where he survives, thus disproving his ability, and edging away from any the "it was fated to be thus" type of thing. Even though I've specifically designed Straight Arrow to not be a precognition guy (how do you like that- typing precognition twice in two days! Wait, was that yesterday? I've lost track of time.) but a... I guess I'll say advanced computer for brevities sake (I do have to go to bed ten minutes ago) but saying computer in connection to this guy gives the exact wrong kind of feeling. It's more like supremely justified confidence, halted only by the the physically impossible.
Anyway, he's a cool guy that isn't a main character/villain. That was my point, that I've got some of those, just not in the Cowboy/Knight/Samurai thing.
Okay, bed time, see you tomorrow/today for #11!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Mike, this is why I don't tell more people I write here.
I've got a new bank account, and so as anticipated I did not get my previous paycheck directly deposited. It's really frustrating. I gave them my new banking information and I ask: So, I won't have any problems now, right? It's all set up?
"You're good."
So fine, I call the day after I was supposed to get paid- "yes, we were just going to call you..."
So today (waiting the weekend, because obviously the payroll department isn't open weekends) I call to see if I can pick up my check. I'm just making sure they're available this hour, I didn't even think not getting a check today was a possibility.
I planned ahead for the chance of not getting my paycheck, but it's looking more and more likely that I will end up waiting an extra week.
Finally seeing more of the pro protesters side of things on facebook, but overall the tone is anti protester.
On either side arguments still boil down to one word against the others, of course I say that as though there's something for either position to "prove". Even if you could prove an opinion (whether police were too harsh or not, for example, is dependent on the frame of reference- of which there were hundreds of separate frames of reference taking place over the weekend) I don't trust any of the evidence.
Pictures lie, unsurprisingly enough, but worse still- I have yet to be surprised by the reactions of anyone who has commented on the weekend. People had their minds made up about what would happen over the 26th-27th weekend on the 25th.
It's hard to take their opinions seriously when they play at being precognitive.
That previous sentence sounds a little too sound bite-y in my ears, but I'll keep it, because how often do I get to write "precognition"?
Another thing of it is, I want to be one of the cool kids, all "down with the man" and whatnot, but I can't cry foul over 32 dudes crammed in detention with no phone calls for 17 hours- those are the simple logistics of holding, what was the number quoted today, 600 people? Say they did give you a phone call, each person gets a phone call one after the other- person #327 would be about to get time for their call as the whole lot of them are released.
"Hey Isaac, they could all be allowed to use their own cell phones!"
Because I'm sure people feel they have a right to cell phones.
If it were the case that a whole bunch of my friends/acquaintances decided to read my blog today I would get a bunch of people thinking- hey, Isaac rocks, because he's pro police against those hippies, and then another bunch would be thinking- woah, Isaac sucks because he's not commited to the cause...
Well you know what? I'm not either one of those things. I'm not a font of cash for police riot gear, nor a pair of hands to hold up a sign.
I make dumb jokes (they're clever to me).
I like pineapple pizza.
I like that feeling when you're not feeling tight and it's just the right degree of coolness outside and you could run forever.
I hold onto my garbage until I find a trash bin for it- even when it's just gum.
I like Donatello because he's smart and sensitive and doesn't mind that the other turtles are better than him at ninjitsu- and I like Raphael because he's awesome.
I like that various people have called me "a trooper".
I like when someone cute is obviously checking me out (rare situation).
"I'm Luke Skywalker- I'm here to rescue you!" I like that line.
I like that little bit of awkwardness that comes when you're with someone and they're being careful with what they say, because they want to sound cool or smart to you- because it means they care what you think.
In that same vein- I like when you can just say whatever, and be accepted regardless of what you say, because you're friends.
I like Bruce Willis and Michael J. Fox.
I like the leather jacketed, sunglasses wearing Superboy that wants to grow up to be Superman, even if that does mean wearing the lame underwear over the tights.
I like Ben Reilly Spider-Man- who had all the troubles of Spider-Man classic, but none of the support system, and had to be even more bright and determined because of it.
Okay, that's enough of that.
Ah people are dumb.
As ever, I thoroughly enjoy the hiding in plain site that is this blog (you see what I did there with site, see, is it should be "sight" but... yeah, okay, you get it.).
I finally finished Catch-22, it's past due at the library, so I'll try and talk about it tomorrow or something before I forget all about it. I didn't take notes this time, so we'll see what happens.
"You're good."
So fine, I call the day after I was supposed to get paid- "yes, we were just going to call you..."
So today (waiting the weekend, because obviously the payroll department isn't open weekends) I call to see if I can pick up my check. I'm just making sure they're available this hour, I didn't even think not getting a check today was a possibility.
I planned ahead for the chance of not getting my paycheck, but it's looking more and more likely that I will end up waiting an extra week.
Finally seeing more of the pro protesters side of things on facebook, but overall the tone is anti protester.
On either side arguments still boil down to one word against the others, of course I say that as though there's something for either position to "prove". Even if you could prove an opinion (whether police were too harsh or not, for example, is dependent on the frame of reference- of which there were hundreds of separate frames of reference taking place over the weekend) I don't trust any of the evidence.
Pictures lie, unsurprisingly enough, but worse still- I have yet to be surprised by the reactions of anyone who has commented on the weekend. People had their minds made up about what would happen over the 26th-27th weekend on the 25th.
It's hard to take their opinions seriously when they play at being precognitive.
That previous sentence sounds a little too sound bite-y in my ears, but I'll keep it, because how often do I get to write "precognition"?
Another thing of it is, I want to be one of the cool kids, all "down with the man" and whatnot, but I can't cry foul over 32 dudes crammed in detention with no phone calls for 17 hours- those are the simple logistics of holding, what was the number quoted today, 600 people? Say they did give you a phone call, each person gets a phone call one after the other- person #327 would be about to get time for their call as the whole lot of them are released.
"Hey Isaac, they could all be allowed to use their own cell phones!"
Because I'm sure people feel they have a right to cell phones.
If it were the case that a whole bunch of my friends/acquaintances decided to read my blog today I would get a bunch of people thinking- hey, Isaac rocks, because he's pro police against those hippies, and then another bunch would be thinking- woah, Isaac sucks because he's not commited to the cause...
Well you know what? I'm not either one of those things. I'm not a font of cash for police riot gear, nor a pair of hands to hold up a sign.
I make dumb jokes (they're clever to me).
I like pineapple pizza.
I like that feeling when you're not feeling tight and it's just the right degree of coolness outside and you could run forever.
I hold onto my garbage until I find a trash bin for it- even when it's just gum.
I like Donatello because he's smart and sensitive and doesn't mind that the other turtles are better than him at ninjitsu- and I like Raphael because he's awesome.
I like that various people have called me "a trooper".
I like when someone cute is obviously checking me out (rare situation).
"I'm Luke Skywalker- I'm here to rescue you!" I like that line.
I like that little bit of awkwardness that comes when you're with someone and they're being careful with what they say, because they want to sound cool or smart to you- because it means they care what you think.
In that same vein- I like when you can just say whatever, and be accepted regardless of what you say, because you're friends.
I like Bruce Willis and Michael J. Fox.
I like the leather jacketed, sunglasses wearing Superboy that wants to grow up to be Superman, even if that does mean wearing the lame underwear over the tights.
I like Ben Reilly Spider-Man- who had all the troubles of Spider-Man classic, but none of the support system, and had to be even more bright and determined because of it.
Okay, that's enough of that.
Ah people are dumb.
As ever, I thoroughly enjoy the hiding in plain site that is this blog (you see what I did there with site, see, is it should be "sight" but... yeah, okay, you get it.).
I finally finished Catch-22, it's past due at the library, so I'll try and talk about it tomorrow or something before I forget all about it. I didn't take notes this time, so we'll see what happens.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Totally talking about Grey's Anatomy, and not the G20 at all.
Why, whenever I see some of Grey's Anatomy on tv, do I only ever see the dumbest, most annoying stuff? This show is popular, come on- I want to enjoy popular things! Okay, no I don't- but still: two of the main characters (the female lead and that Sandra O person people like, I'm guessing solely because she's Canadian and we can therefore feel proud of her) are having an argument before a fallen-on-ice Sandra gets an oddly CGI icicle fall and stab her. It would have been far more credible if it wasn't that one icicle that magically fell.
I really can't take that show.
An interesting juxtaposition on the facebook: G20 protest opinions (all thoroughly anti- protester, a surprising imbalance) vs. "I ate a lot of bacon" statuses. Or as I like to say, stati.
Just did a bit of research on the black bloc organization/movement/style of tactic depending on who you ask, which you can readily hear on any news network so I don't really need to lay that out here.
Read a letter/article at anarchistnews.org- no, you don't have to go there yourself, there's not a whole lot of merit in it- it denounces blanket statements, which is a clever way of making me feel awkward about making a blanket statement, against violent protests and property damage.
Well, here's a blanket statement against violent protests and property damage. It's lame, don't do it dudes.
My opinion against this particular article was solidified when I came upon this response to it:
"Fuckin right... I am against capitalism as I experience it on a day-to-day basis; bosses..., teachers, cops... that's what my friends and I fight against, simply because it makes more sense to us than fighting against some obscure government policy that only minimally... worsens or betters (not really heping your case dude) our daily lives... Anyway, I didn't read this whole thing, honestly, cause it's long. But I got to the part where it says the anti-globalization movement was fucked, and pretty much gave it my approval... So I won't say I'm down with the whole article, but I enjoyed the beginning of it. Who's got time to read giant articles when there's so much social war to be fighting!- Johnny Omen"
If you don't care enough about something to read all the way through an article on it, fair enough, life is short enough as it is. But, if you do care about it, be informed, and that means reading. Or feel free not to comment on it and expose your own laziness and resultant ignorance.
A couple more points about this article- it lumps together police, small business owners, or just "bosses" in general, and lackadaisical yuppie Queen street dwellers (I may have conflated a few groups in that last one) as the "other" that support the system and must be fought against, while calling on the poor and disaffected to join their cause. My problem is that the writer is working with an argument divorced from reality.
Take the police in particular: while I unfortunately think a majority of police gravitate to that profession due to a personal lusting for power (sorry guys, I'm pretty negative about why most people get into their various professions. At least it's not just police: law and business students are in it for the money, aspiring teachers think it's an easy "fall back", etc etc.) there are still those police that represent a more idealistic view of why they do what they do.
And more important than the existence of this divide, between the negative and the positive, is the reality that it's a scale- that even the worst representative of the police, is still a person. It's a very rare scenario when you're dealing with someone completely intractable, someone who can actually represent the totality of a negative image.
There was another reply that I really appreciate for its perspective, and yes it follows from what I've just been talking about, I'm not going on a crazy tangent just yet. Unless you count that last sentence itself.
Anyway, the comment:
"this is the problem incarnate right here. everyone thinks anyone one tiny level above them is the enemy, when in reality the bottom 90% are in relatively the same boat, and it's the top 10% that are really the fuckers who are running things and tearing us to pieces for their own wealth. they may use some of us more than others in that pursuit, but we are mostly all the same except for the ultra-rich and their politician lackeys. don't lose sight of the real enemies."
Well, anyway, what it all boils down to is I think anger is the secondary feeling common to both police and protesters, the first being fear. And it's all pretty sad.
I wonder what I'll write about tomorrow in my compulsive quest to have a total 11 entries this month? Could I possibly have more to say about the downtown situation and still manage to sound half way intelligent? Hey, you're guess is as good as mine.
I really can't take that show.
An interesting juxtaposition on the facebook: G20 protest opinions (all thoroughly anti- protester, a surprising imbalance) vs. "I ate a lot of bacon" statuses. Or as I like to say, stati.
Just did a bit of research on the black bloc organization/movement/style of tactic depending on who you ask, which you can readily hear on any news network so I don't really need to lay that out here.
Read a letter/article at anarchistnews.org- no, you don't have to go there yourself, there's not a whole lot of merit in it- it denounces blanket statements, which is a clever way of making me feel awkward about making a blanket statement, against violent protests and property damage.
Well, here's a blanket statement against violent protests and property damage. It's lame, don't do it dudes.
My opinion against this particular article was solidified when I came upon this response to it:
"Fuckin right... I am against capitalism as I experience it on a day-to-day basis; bosses..., teachers, cops... that's what my friends and I fight against, simply because it makes more sense to us than fighting against some obscure government policy that only minimally... worsens or betters (not really heping your case dude) our daily lives... Anyway, I didn't read this whole thing, honestly, cause it's long. But I got to the part where it says the anti-globalization movement was fucked, and pretty much gave it my approval... So I won't say I'm down with the whole article, but I enjoyed the beginning of it. Who's got time to read giant articles when there's so much social war to be fighting!- Johnny Omen"
If you don't care enough about something to read all the way through an article on it, fair enough, life is short enough as it is. But, if you do care about it, be informed, and that means reading. Or feel free not to comment on it and expose your own laziness and resultant ignorance.
A couple more points about this article- it lumps together police, small business owners, or just "bosses" in general, and lackadaisical yuppie Queen street dwellers (I may have conflated a few groups in that last one) as the "other" that support the system and must be fought against, while calling on the poor and disaffected to join their cause. My problem is that the writer is working with an argument divorced from reality.
Take the police in particular: while I unfortunately think a majority of police gravitate to that profession due to a personal lusting for power (sorry guys, I'm pretty negative about why most people get into their various professions. At least it's not just police: law and business students are in it for the money, aspiring teachers think it's an easy "fall back", etc etc.) there are still those police that represent a more idealistic view of why they do what they do.
And more important than the existence of this divide, between the negative and the positive, is the reality that it's a scale- that even the worst representative of the police, is still a person. It's a very rare scenario when you're dealing with someone completely intractable, someone who can actually represent the totality of a negative image.
There was another reply that I really appreciate for its perspective, and yes it follows from what I've just been talking about, I'm not going on a crazy tangent just yet. Unless you count that last sentence itself.
Anyway, the comment:
"this is the problem incarnate right here. everyone thinks anyone one tiny level above them is the enemy, when in reality the bottom 90% are in relatively the same boat, and it's the top 10% that are really the fuckers who are running things and tearing us to pieces for their own wealth. they may use some of us more than others in that pursuit, but we are mostly all the same except for the ultra-rich and their politician lackeys. don't lose sight of the real enemies."
Well, anyway, what it all boils down to is I think anger is the secondary feeling common to both police and protesters, the first being fear. And it's all pretty sad.
I wonder what I'll write about tomorrow in my compulsive quest to have a total 11 entries this month? Could I possibly have more to say about the downtown situation and still manage to sound half way intelligent? Hey, you're guess is as good as mine.
Friday, June 25, 2010
How to save money on parking
Heard this on the radio the other day, and am taking the oppourtunity to look at the lyrics and set them down, the first step to actually learning them. It's actually surprisingly short:
Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life
So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on the shelf
In good health and good time
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life
Tatoos of memories and dead skin on trial? Not sure I've got that fully figured out, but I like the song anyway. It was on the radio the other day during my nice drive home, and it reminded me I should finally figure out the words if I like it so much. Which is basically what I just did.
Anyways, one other thing I wanted to mention about that day was that I didn't have to shell out the $12 for parking, I was going to, but I was visited by an occasional mantra of mine- ask and you shall receive.
That doesn't always occur to me, I suppose because of how close it comes to asking for help, but it is good advice. When I do think about it it's accompanied by the memory (however accurate it may be at this point- I acknowledge it may have become jumbled over time) of me not selling... oranges? as part of a school fundraiser, and after the fact my dad says to me that if I had mentioned it I could have made an arrangement with him to supply some Christmas hampers? I think that's how it goes anyways. The important thing is that I created a large hurdle for myself by keeping my mouth shut.
So every once in a while I remember that, and I'll save 12 bucks on parking.
Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life
So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on the shelf
In good health and good time
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life
Tatoos of memories and dead skin on trial? Not sure I've got that fully figured out, but I like the song anyway. It was on the radio the other day during my nice drive home, and it reminded me I should finally figure out the words if I like it so much. Which is basically what I just did.
Anyways, one other thing I wanted to mention about that day was that I didn't have to shell out the $12 for parking, I was going to, but I was visited by an occasional mantra of mine- ask and you shall receive.
That doesn't always occur to me, I suppose because of how close it comes to asking for help, but it is good advice. When I do think about it it's accompanied by the memory (however accurate it may be at this point- I acknowledge it may have become jumbled over time) of me not selling... oranges? as part of a school fundraiser, and after the fact my dad says to me that if I had mentioned it I could have made an arrangement with him to supply some Christmas hampers? I think that's how it goes anyways. The important thing is that I created a large hurdle for myself by keeping my mouth shut.
So every once in a while I remember that, and I'll save 12 bucks on parking.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A prologue mentioning some stuff I'll be happy to write about tomorrow AFTER sleep. And not before.
What a country- by which I mean day.
I set my alarm for work, but instead of 6:15 I set it for 9:15... but that's the opposite of getting up in time for work!
Glancing at the clock in a satisfied daze I saw it was 8:40-ish- and was immediately awake! Threw on some clothes, grabbed my toothbrushing gear and a bag of almonds and hopped in the car to work.
I usually take the TTC to work, an hour and ten minute commute at least, but I got to work in just over 15 minutes- there was no traffic going downtown, it was fantastic. And just like that I'm suddenly a fan of the G20- sound cannons you say? Hmm, do they help me get to work faster in any way?
So my late to work/absentee leading fears where relatively groundless, my co-team leader was at work, so I could ultimately have just called in and not worried at all (how am I supposed to remember someone else's schedule? I can't even set my alarm right!) and I was only twenty minutes late myself. That's especially good considering fifteen of those minutes are usually spent waiting for my staff.
I was feeling pretty gross though- I can't do the no shower thing before leaving the house. Okay, well, clearly I can, I just did today, but it sucks and leaves me thoroughly uncomfortable in my own skin. Was much better after I zipped off to brush my teeth though.
Anyway, it was super unbusy at work, so I got to leave after three hours, did NOT have to pay for parking (I want to talk about that later, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow for that) got to listen to the "Nineties Nooner" on 102.1 fm for the relaxed drive home, fill up with supreme for the price of regular (thanks guys, don't know why you'd do that if you've sold out of your regular wares... unless it's a tacit admission that you're fleecing us. In which case: Thanks guys!
While walking out to the car, I had to call my co workers whom I'd just left to inform them that my eating of pie was imminent. I can rub things in sometimes. Trust me, when I do it it's both hilarious and adorable, ask anyone (not my brothers).
I was also super excited to get to work on my comic reviews at a decent time... but even then it turned out I was a little tired, so after my shower (you KNOW I had one the second I got home) BAM three hour nap.
Ah yes, that's a negative, that reminds me, after my nap my eyes had a rough time focusing, I may not have fully been ready to wake up, or maybe it's getting to be time for a new perscription.
Completed a monster set of reviews, which touched on several topics of interest that I'll be happy to make an article about later, either here or for somewhere else that wouldn't mind the stuff. But then again I also want to write some about these Marvel/DC crossovers I'm reading right now, particularly the Crossover between Batman and Daredevil versus the Batman and Spider-Man crossover, what works between them, what doesn't, what subverts expectation, etc.
Now that's an article I'd REALLY have trouble getting out there- the subject matter (i.e. the individual issues in question) came out a good 13 years ago (a conservative estimate, mind you) so, yeah, that's me, commenting on things the public truly cares about.
Whatever, I think it's interesting!
Hmm, maybe that wasn't such a cool day by your standards, but for me it was.
Whatever, I think it was cool!
I set my alarm for work, but instead of 6:15 I set it for 9:15... but that's the opposite of getting up in time for work!
Glancing at the clock in a satisfied daze I saw it was 8:40-ish- and was immediately awake! Threw on some clothes, grabbed my toothbrushing gear and a bag of almonds and hopped in the car to work.
I usually take the TTC to work, an hour and ten minute commute at least, but I got to work in just over 15 minutes- there was no traffic going downtown, it was fantastic. And just like that I'm suddenly a fan of the G20- sound cannons you say? Hmm, do they help me get to work faster in any way?
So my late to work/absentee leading fears where relatively groundless, my co-team leader was at work, so I could ultimately have just called in and not worried at all (how am I supposed to remember someone else's schedule? I can't even set my alarm right!) and I was only twenty minutes late myself. That's especially good considering fifteen of those minutes are usually spent waiting for my staff.
I was feeling pretty gross though- I can't do the no shower thing before leaving the house. Okay, well, clearly I can, I just did today, but it sucks and leaves me thoroughly uncomfortable in my own skin. Was much better after I zipped off to brush my teeth though.
Anyway, it was super unbusy at work, so I got to leave after three hours, did NOT have to pay for parking (I want to talk about that later, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow for that) got to listen to the "Nineties Nooner" on 102.1 fm for the relaxed drive home, fill up with supreme for the price of regular (thanks guys, don't know why you'd do that if you've sold out of your regular wares... unless it's a tacit admission that you're fleecing us. In which case: Thanks guys!
While walking out to the car, I had to call my co workers whom I'd just left to inform them that my eating of pie was imminent. I can rub things in sometimes. Trust me, when I do it it's both hilarious and adorable, ask anyone (not my brothers).
I was also super excited to get to work on my comic reviews at a decent time... but even then it turned out I was a little tired, so after my shower (you KNOW I had one the second I got home) BAM three hour nap.
Ah yes, that's a negative, that reminds me, after my nap my eyes had a rough time focusing, I may not have fully been ready to wake up, or maybe it's getting to be time for a new perscription.
Completed a monster set of reviews, which touched on several topics of interest that I'll be happy to make an article about later, either here or for somewhere else that wouldn't mind the stuff. But then again I also want to write some about these Marvel/DC crossovers I'm reading right now, particularly the Crossover between Batman and Daredevil versus the Batman and Spider-Man crossover, what works between them, what doesn't, what subverts expectation, etc.
Now that's an article I'd REALLY have trouble getting out there- the subject matter (i.e. the individual issues in question) came out a good 13 years ago (a conservative estimate, mind you) so, yeah, that's me, commenting on things the public truly cares about.
Whatever, I think it's interesting!
Hmm, maybe that wasn't such a cool day by your standards, but for me it was.
Whatever, I think it was cool!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
It's 3am, the mat on the doorway says baaby
"That's what you get when you let your heart in- wooh-oh-o-oh-ooh"
Or sometimes "that's what you get when you let your love in- wooh-oh-o-oh-ooh"
That's a lyric that will sometimes get stuck in my head, like now. I couldn't tell you the name of the band that sings it, or the name of the song, or even which the correct lyric is. None of which matters, knowing those things would probably lessen the impact or personal effect of the "replaying song stuck in head" phenomena.
Not feeling great tonight, it's that kind of feeling you get when you're burdened with some horrible secret except you don't even know what that secret is and couldn't articulate it to share even if you had the chance. Got a ride to the subway and the radio was playing something about Afghanistan and how I'm an idiot for not knowing something they didn't feel inclined to teach me about, instead the speakers just interrupted each other a bunch of times while creating a tense knot inside me.
Went to my friend's performance at the 'Comfort Zone' tonight where I continued to be stuck in my own head, thinking in circles until my forehead actually furrowed. Who has the time to furrow these days? Fortunately something aroused my interest, I can't even recall who, but it got me considering the lives of others and outside myself, and is overall a far more positive place to be at.
Can I use arouse in a sentece without eliciting titters from the peanut gallery? Of course I can- peanuts can't titter. They're peanuts. They just wear monocles.
Had tomorrow earmarked for a special project, hopefully I can follow through on it, but my time is often not my own. I'm sure you can relate.
Would talk about the new staff at work, but what if one of them adds me to Facebook, combs through my interests, links over to this site, and reads all about themselves??
Naturally, I have only bad things to say about you. I mean them.
Well, it's late, and I feel better, and I'm getting tired, so it's just about time to close up shop.
P.S.- This lousy thing wouldn't control copy from word to this page, so I had to retype the whole thing again. I don't know why that happened, I've done it before. Really slows down the whole getting to bed thing.
Or sometimes "that's what you get when you let your love in- wooh-oh-o-oh-ooh"
That's a lyric that will sometimes get stuck in my head, like now. I couldn't tell you the name of the band that sings it, or the name of the song, or even which the correct lyric is. None of which matters, knowing those things would probably lessen the impact or personal effect of the "replaying song stuck in head" phenomena.
Not feeling great tonight, it's that kind of feeling you get when you're burdened with some horrible secret except you don't even know what that secret is and couldn't articulate it to share even if you had the chance. Got a ride to the subway and the radio was playing something about Afghanistan and how I'm an idiot for not knowing something they didn't feel inclined to teach me about, instead the speakers just interrupted each other a bunch of times while creating a tense knot inside me.
Went to my friend's performance at the 'Comfort Zone' tonight where I continued to be stuck in my own head, thinking in circles until my forehead actually furrowed. Who has the time to furrow these days? Fortunately something aroused my interest, I can't even recall who, but it got me considering the lives of others and outside myself, and is overall a far more positive place to be at.
Can I use arouse in a sentece without eliciting titters from the peanut gallery? Of course I can- peanuts can't titter. They're peanuts. They just wear monocles.
Had tomorrow earmarked for a special project, hopefully I can follow through on it, but my time is often not my own. I'm sure you can relate.
Would talk about the new staff at work, but what if one of them adds me to Facebook, combs through my interests, links over to this site, and reads all about themselves??
Naturally, I have only bad things to say about you. I mean them.
Well, it's late, and I feel better, and I'm getting tired, so it's just about time to close up shop.
P.S.- This lousy thing wouldn't control copy from word to this page, so I had to retype the whole thing again. I don't know why that happened, I've done it before. Really slows down the whole getting to bed thing.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I've gotten up a few minutes early to write this morning- I'd actually started writing parts of this in my head days ago, before I'd even decided for sure that I would write about it- I couldn't really help myself, and therefore I hate how contrived parts of this is. But the idea to let today skip by without even a passing mention seemed weird to me.
Today is the second anniversary of the day my mom died.
I think the tombstone says the 17th- but it's the 16th when everything happened all at once.
That week is burned into my head, I could spend at least a month trying to capture all my feelings and experiences during that time and still not scratch the surface of everything.
As ever I'm shocked at how much has changed in that time, and how much has stayed the same.
The thing of it is, I believe that I could go through today like it was any other day- when I go through my work today my coworkers will have no idea today has any significance to me- I believe I could always push the sadness out of my mind, but I choose not to. I choose to let loose the floodgates, to remember and to feel, every so often, to feel that sting of loss. I don't wallow in grief, but I owe my mother that much at least, because, unsurprisingly, I love my mom very much.
Today is the second anniversary of the day my mom died.
I think the tombstone says the 17th- but it's the 16th when everything happened all at once.
That week is burned into my head, I could spend at least a month trying to capture all my feelings and experiences during that time and still not scratch the surface of everything.
As ever I'm shocked at how much has changed in that time, and how much has stayed the same.
The thing of it is, I believe that I could go through today like it was any other day- when I go through my work today my coworkers will have no idea today has any significance to me- I believe I could always push the sadness out of my mind, but I choose not to. I choose to let loose the floodgates, to remember and to feel, every so often, to feel that sting of loss. I don't wallow in grief, but I owe my mother that much at least, because, unsurprisingly, I love my mom very much.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
"We are cursed mice"
I'm finally taking a moment to watch some Pinky and the Brain that I got from my brother last month. Hence the title.
The end of May saw the release of the latest Invincible trade paperback, volume 12 "Still Standing"- all the trade titles are taken from sitcoms like volume 1 "Family Matters" or volume 7 "Three's Company" and volume 10 "Who's the Boss?" I hadn't ever put that together until the other day, so I'm still kind of blown away by that.
I didn't have the cash at the time, so I couldn't pick it up until now- I thought I'd buy it specifically from a friend that has recently gotten hired at a comic store in the beaches somewhere, but it seems his store doesn't have it.
Ah, but what is Invincible? First of all, it's a book that I keep wanting to spell "Invinciple" so that's slowing me down here... but FAR more important: Invincible is published by Image comics, written by Robert Kirkman with art by Ryan Ottley- the story follows a comic loving average teen that finally grows into his own powers. Oh yeah, his dad was basically Superman in the book (Omni-Man). It's pretty lighthearted stuff, until it turns out Omni-Man is an agent for an alien society working towards galactic domination. The story ensues.
It's a story very aware of comic conventions, so it's often in the style of what I like to write- but it can still be written a bit on the simple side. It's charming and invigorating; everytime I get a new trade to read it sparks my comic writing desire.
Since my friends store didn't have it, I stopped by Million Comics at Yonge and Wellesley to get it, but nothing doing. The earliest they'll get more is in ten days, so rather than place an order there I'll keep my eyes open for a copy.
I've also been keeping my eyes open for my favourite piece of graffiti in the city- I had seen it somewhere along Bathurst street and then there was the first location near my friends old apartment at Bay and Wellesley.
I don't travel along either street as much as I used to- I now take Dufferin to work and my friend moved, but I've wanted to get a picture of this street art to share for quite sometime. It was a month ago that I went out of my way to search Bathurst street, but couldn't see a sign of it.
Yesterday, seeing as I was over at Million Comics I walked to the other block to try and get the image. But it wasn't there. Best case scenario it's only covered by impermanent posters, but it's likely it's been painted over.
As ever, the prospect that the image only now exists as an imperfect memory is a let down. Short of an actual photograph, here's a quick paint program version from how I remember it in my head:

Saturday, June 12, 2010
What is the Catch? Isaac old boy, as far as titles go- you're terrible at them.
Here I am, enjoying a saturday off from work. What have I done with myself?
Well, I just finished an article for steelbananas.com!... so we'll see if they use it. They didn't use my last one, but I wasn't entirely a fan of it either- it was really rushed and plain sub standard.
I'm really quite pleased with this one though, it got some chuckles from my proof reading brothers but... when it's all said and done, I've written this article before.
Not really, of course, but when I sit down and think about what it's trying to say, yeah, it's the same as a previous article, just using a different example to illustrate the thesis. Not really a big deal, and it's interesting that it just reveals how that is a topic that is apparently something I notice (consistent characterization, to be specific). I'll keep it in mind.
The consensus was that I just kind of ended it, and needed a conclusion. I'm bad at conclusions. My bros are all "well, tell us what happens at the end of the story!" and I'm all "but spoilers!"
So (spoiler alert) I wrote a concluding sentence. It's not bad; fits in with the tone of the piece while also revealing some of what happens in the story I was talking about.
I managed to be pretty ashamed of myself the other day- being dumb I almost really hurt myself. I didn't get hurt at all, the slightest of scrapes that I can't even see anymore notwithstanding, but if I had been a little slower, or a little less strong, or a little less squirmy- a little less lucky, basically, and I'm sure I could've broken my arm. It was scary- and as ever, it's weird that it's just me to kick myself about it. Don't worry, I kick really hard.
Someone at work got a promotion, she's now at the same level as myself, and in part it's due to my positive reference- ah she was so happy to get it, it's pretty awesome. I got to go about doing some mundane activity and think about her being happy, and it makes me happy too. It'll be a helpful memory. But I don't envy those that had to go through just over 60 applications to the position- that's a lot of people to disappoint.
There was a sort of 'supervisor dinner' yesterday after work- I arrived an hour late due my various duties needing completion (of course) but I'm still trying to decide whether my awesomely running to Union station from work was a delaying tactic, or genuinely faster. There definitely weren't any street cars that caught up to me along the 509 route, but I could have quickly run north a few streets and gotten a better performing bus. It was a really fun run though- too bad about the sweating thing. I'm always wondering whether I'll show up to something after a run and the people will turn me away for being riffraff. Hasn't happened yet..
I've finally started reading Catch-22 (by Joseph Heller- so I don't forget), but I've been taking my sweet time about it. It's a good read, so full of contradictions (or Catch-22's) that I'd love to see someone read it who could only take the words at face value who would have zero clue what was going on. Well, I'd love it for a minute anyway.
The way it's told has each chapter about a different person, and so there's a very familiar structure to each chapter that any one could simply be a short story to itself. After being away from the book for a week I saw I was only on page 100, and thought it was weird that I wasn't done.
Didn't write this in my notebook, just reverted to jotting down on my scrap bookmark- but Catch-22 makes reference to deja vu (which we're all familiar with) but also jamais vu and presque vu- both of which I'd never heard of, but are, if I understand it right:
- a moment of striking unfamiliarity, as when you see something that should be familiar to you, that you know you've seen again and again yet sticks out this time as somehow wrong. This happens with spelling a lot, to me anyways.
- and the other is that exhilarating moment when you feel just a hairsbreadth away from a sublime realization.
That's what I take those two words to mean, based on the definition in the book and how that sounded to me- I'd hate to look it up and see I'm wrong somehow, because I like the way I've got it figured- even though I wouldn't remember the words themselves if I wasn't looking at them.
Okay, that's good.
Well, I just finished an article for steelbananas.com!... so we'll see if they use it. They didn't use my last one, but I wasn't entirely a fan of it either- it was really rushed and plain sub standard.
I'm really quite pleased with this one though, it got some chuckles from my proof reading brothers but... when it's all said and done, I've written this article before.
Not really, of course, but when I sit down and think about what it's trying to say, yeah, it's the same as a previous article, just using a different example to illustrate the thesis. Not really a big deal, and it's interesting that it just reveals how that is a topic that is apparently something I notice (consistent characterization, to be specific). I'll keep it in mind.
The consensus was that I just kind of ended it, and needed a conclusion. I'm bad at conclusions. My bros are all "well, tell us what happens at the end of the story!" and I'm all "but spoilers!"
So (spoiler alert) I wrote a concluding sentence. It's not bad; fits in with the tone of the piece while also revealing some of what happens in the story I was talking about.
I managed to be pretty ashamed of myself the other day- being dumb I almost really hurt myself. I didn't get hurt at all, the slightest of scrapes that I can't even see anymore notwithstanding, but if I had been a little slower, or a little less strong, or a little less squirmy- a little less lucky, basically, and I'm sure I could've broken my arm. It was scary- and as ever, it's weird that it's just me to kick myself about it. Don't worry, I kick really hard.
Someone at work got a promotion, she's now at the same level as myself, and in part it's due to my positive reference- ah she was so happy to get it, it's pretty awesome. I got to go about doing some mundane activity and think about her being happy, and it makes me happy too. It'll be a helpful memory. But I don't envy those that had to go through just over 60 applications to the position- that's a lot of people to disappoint.
There was a sort of 'supervisor dinner' yesterday after work- I arrived an hour late due my various duties needing completion (of course) but I'm still trying to decide whether my awesomely running to Union station from work was a delaying tactic, or genuinely faster. There definitely weren't any street cars that caught up to me along the 509 route, but I could have quickly run north a few streets and gotten a better performing bus. It was a really fun run though- too bad about the sweating thing. I'm always wondering whether I'll show up to something after a run and the people will turn me away for being riffraff. Hasn't happened yet..
I've finally started reading Catch-22 (by Joseph Heller- so I don't forget), but I've been taking my sweet time about it. It's a good read, so full of contradictions (or Catch-22's) that I'd love to see someone read it who could only take the words at face value who would have zero clue what was going on. Well, I'd love it for a minute anyway.
The way it's told has each chapter about a different person, and so there's a very familiar structure to each chapter that any one could simply be a short story to itself. After being away from the book for a week I saw I was only on page 100, and thought it was weird that I wasn't done.
Didn't write this in my notebook, just reverted to jotting down on my scrap bookmark- but Catch-22 makes reference to deja vu (which we're all familiar with) but also jamais vu and presque vu- both of which I'd never heard of, but are, if I understand it right:
- a moment of striking unfamiliarity, as when you see something that should be familiar to you, that you know you've seen again and again yet sticks out this time as somehow wrong. This happens with spelling a lot, to me anyways.
- and the other is that exhilarating moment when you feel just a hairsbreadth away from a sublime realization.
That's what I take those two words to mean, based on the definition in the book and how that sounded to me- I'd hate to look it up and see I'm wrong somehow, because I like the way I've got it figured- even though I wouldn't remember the words themselves if I wasn't looking at them.
Okay, that's good.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
okay, and title, and... what next...
A bunch of things I want to get done today, which naturally means that none of them will get done, or at least not fully. Case in point, I wanted to make a little cartoon to post here, but I don't think I'll have the time, but I still wanted to post something so here I am.
It's frustrating how much of my time is separated into working and sleeping right now- and that the most eventful stuff is happening during the sleeping. I dreamed the saddest thing possible a couple nights ago. And last night, during the four hours spent sleeping on the couch after work but obviously before moving to my bed, I dreamt I became a cop that had no set agenda through the day and couldn't work his increasingly complicated, science fiction-y gun.
I spend most of my days, when not counting stock items, considering conversation and how my staff continue it when they haven't done anything in the time between last meeting with each other. They don't generally have anything in common, excepting of course a love of drunken misadventures and gossiping, which means they have two things more in common with each other than I have with them...
To be clear, they're all pretty nice people (basically everyone is nice to me, it helps that I don't give anyone a reason not to be- an unusual strategy. A key trick is to not ask anything of people- I aim for self reliance. And have a definite weakness is regards to delegation) I'm just having difficulty relating.
Which is how I feel with most people, actually. That bothers me sometimes.
You know I'd never seen all of "Rocky" before? I'd seen the end of the training montage, and I'd seen the actual fight at the end- both parts worth the price of admission right there if it wasn't free already- but I finally sat down last week and caught it on tv. 30 minutes in my youngest brother asks me if I'll drive him someplace- to which I responded with a "NooooOOOOO! NO!"
So I didn't, and I watched, and do you know what this movie is about for me?
It's about taking all the information you've got, and chucking it away on a chance.
The best example for me is when Mick comes up to Rocky's apartment and offers to be his manager- Rocky kicks him out because where was Mick ten years ago when Rocky was starting out? Mick's there now because of this one great chance at the championship?
Rocky ignores Mick until he leaves, then Rocky, alone in his room, gets so angry that he's yelling every hurt that he's feeling by being asked as Mick slowly goes down the stairs and walks away.
Then all we see is Rocky go outside and agrees to let Mick be his manager, we don't even hear the words.
Okay, that's good. If I do manage to draw a little cartoon, I'll post it up here later.
It's frustrating how much of my time is separated into working and sleeping right now- and that the most eventful stuff is happening during the sleeping. I dreamed the saddest thing possible a couple nights ago. And last night, during the four hours spent sleeping on the couch after work but obviously before moving to my bed, I dreamt I became a cop that had no set agenda through the day and couldn't work his increasingly complicated, science fiction-y gun.
I spend most of my days, when not counting stock items, considering conversation and how my staff continue it when they haven't done anything in the time between last meeting with each other. They don't generally have anything in common, excepting of course a love of drunken misadventures and gossiping, which means they have two things more in common with each other than I have with them...
To be clear, they're all pretty nice people (basically everyone is nice to me, it helps that I don't give anyone a reason not to be- an unusual strategy. A key trick is to not ask anything of people- I aim for self reliance. And have a definite weakness is regards to delegation) I'm just having difficulty relating.
Which is how I feel with most people, actually. That bothers me sometimes.
You know I'd never seen all of "Rocky" before? I'd seen the end of the training montage, and I'd seen the actual fight at the end- both parts worth the price of admission right there if it wasn't free already- but I finally sat down last week and caught it on tv. 30 minutes in my youngest brother asks me if I'll drive him someplace- to which I responded with a "NooooOOOOO! NO!"
So I didn't, and I watched, and do you know what this movie is about for me?
It's about taking all the information you've got, and chucking it away on a chance.
The best example for me is when Mick comes up to Rocky's apartment and offers to be his manager- Rocky kicks him out because where was Mick ten years ago when Rocky was starting out? Mick's there now because of this one great chance at the championship?
Rocky ignores Mick until he leaves, then Rocky, alone in his room, gets so angry that he's yelling every hurt that he's feeling by being asked as Mick slowly goes down the stairs and walks away.
Then all we see is Rocky go outside and agrees to let Mick be his manager, we don't even hear the words.
Okay, that's good. If I do manage to draw a little cartoon, I'll post it up here later.
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